I have the tokenization task in my (VSTS) release definition but run into problems when using a dot in the token.
Example: I have a variable in my release definition called "Token.SubToken" with value "ABC".
The task fails to replace the token in my .config file (which contains token "Token.SubToken") with the release definition variable.
The task finds the token in the file but replaces the dot with an underscore. Then it will use get-taskvariable to get variable "Token_SubToken". VSTS does not return anything for that value. Perhaps because that was how TFS/VSTS worked in the past. But currently VSTS does not return a value for "Token_SubToken" but will return a value for "Token.SubToken".
So the automatic replace of dot to underscore should be checked.
I have the tokenization task in my (VSTS) release definition but run into problems when using a dot in the token.
Example: I have a variable in my release definition called "Token.SubToken" with value "ABC". The task fails to replace the token in my .config file (which contains token "Token.SubToken") with the release definition variable.
The task finds the token in the file but replaces the dot with an underscore. Then it will use get-taskvariable to get variable "Token_SubToken". VSTS does not return anything for that value. Perhaps because that was how TFS/VSTS worked in the past. But currently VSTS does not return a value for "Token_SubToken" but will return a value for "Token.SubToken".
So the automatic replace of dot to underscore should be checked.