TotallyInformation / alternate-node-red-installer

An alternative installer for Node-RED. Avoids global installs, no admin rights required.
MIT License
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Help "npm start -p 1885" does not work. #3

Closed youngkzy closed 1 year ago

youngkzy commented 3 years ago

When using Alternate-node-red-installer, running "npm start" How do I use -p to alter the Node-RED port if I have otherwise installed Node-RED. I tried using the -p parameter and it did not work.

on NR forum I'm "@hp_apcc"

TotallyInformation commented 3 years ago

Hi. If you used my configuration and settings.js file (BTW, Node-RED does change its settings.js from time-to-time so do compare against the default occasionally and look for new settings). Then you can use an environment variable to control the port rather than using a parameter.

Even better, you will find a file that the systemd script uses to set environment variables when it starts your node-red instance.

My version of the settings file actually has quite a few more settings that you can control via environment variables that the default.