Closed vivimage closed 1 year ago
You can see in this chop output that device is not connected.
LogClass: Error: BoolProperty FTouchEngineDATData::bIsRowMajor is not initialized properly. Module:TouchEngine File:Public/Engine/TouchVariables.h LogAutomationTest: Error: UObject.Class AttemptToFindUninitializedScriptStructMembers will be marked as failing due to errors being logged LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: BoolProperty FTouchEngineDATData::bIsRowMajor is not initialized properly. Module:TouchEngine File:Public/Engine/TouchVariables.h LogTouchEngineVulkanRHI: Error: Failed to load Vulkan Windows functions.
Errors in the output log. Not sure If this is connected
Tried with the latest version on UE5.2-Dev branch. Also not working, unfortunately
Closing this issue as it is being addressed in the forum:
Edited the UESample_CHOP_01_Read file.
Inside the Touch Designer everything is working fine. The ableton is connecting without the issue and I am able to map the parameter.
But inside the Unreal when I load this tox file, I receive errors. No TouchEngine CHOP Data is transferred
I want to connect ableton to unreal engine through the TDAbleton in Touch Designer