TouchedByDarkness / PixelPlanet-Bot

Bot for Several drawing modes are supported.
24 stars 17 forks source link

null bots online and just crashes when i start #3

Open Thugsisreallybadlol opened 2 years ago

Thugsisreallybadlol commented 2 years ago


Arsenicus commented 2 years ago

It doesn't look like author is interested in fixing that, but you can manually remove "fetch(""," part for bot to start working.

Yuggiev2 commented 2 years ago

It doesn't look like author is interested in fixing that, but you can manually remove "fetch(""," part for bot to start working.

I am new to all of this but, when looking at the code I didn't find "fetch("",". Is it possible I am not looking at the right place or is it just not the problem. image Please if you could put it in more detail for a newbie like me to understand :)

berkespace commented 2 years ago

It doesn't look like author is interested in fixing that, but you can manually remove "fetch(""," part for bot to start working.

there is no code like this

Reoxy commented 1 year ago

There is no such code

Arsenicus commented 1 year ago

It's definitely there, but you have to deobfuscate it partially.

(function ff() {
  var fg = {};
  fg["method"] = "POST", fetch("", fg)["then"](fh => fh["text"]())["then"](fi => {
    cz["setBotOnline"](ba = +fi), setTimeout(ff, fe());
  })["catch"](fj => {
    fj == 429 && (ba = null, cz["setBotStatus"]("Server overload"));;
    setTimeout(ff, fe());