TouwaStar / Galaxy_Plugin_Minecraft

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Import game time from MultiMC #22

Closed LividJava closed 2 years ago

LividJava commented 2 years ago

I'd like to see if at all possible the import of game time if at all possible.

This may be a bit difficult as the total game times are fragmented across each instance folder, and I can see issues arising when people have numerous instances. The information is under the .cfg file per instance. (I believe the path is MULTIMCINSTALLDIR/Instances/INSTANCENAME/instance.cfg on line 43ish depending on instance configs) This is really a moonshot idea but if possible it'd be cool to see how much time I've wasted on games as a whole.

urwrstkn8mare commented 2 years ago

Is this not already the case? I remember implementing this. Please tell me of there's any issues with it.

LividJava commented 2 years ago

It isn't importing any gametime that I'm aware of. I literally played yesterday and nada image

urwrstkn8mare commented 2 years ago

If you don't mind could I see your instance.cfg? Feel free to redact any personal information you have in their for whatever reason.

urwrstkn8mare commented 2 years ago

Also could I see the plugin's logs in %programdata%\\Galaxy\logs . It'll have minecraft in it's filename.

LividJava commented 2 years ago

Alright here's the gist for all the relevant files? there were 4 log files with minecraft so i just included all of them

urwrstkn8mare commented 2 years ago

From what it looks like the plugin never tried to get the time meaning GOG Galaxy never told the plugin to. Could you try pressing the Sync integrations button and/or Exiting the client and starting it again.

Reference: Screenshot 2021-11-18 130845

LividJava commented 2 years ago

I ended up just uninstalling the default launcher and it worked?? image

urwrstkn8mare commented 2 years ago

Oh that's odd. At least it works now. If you want the default launcher I'd recommend trying to install again and reconnecting the plugin in case it was a one off issue or install it through the Microsoft Store which makes it accessible through GOG Galaxy's official XBOX plugin.