Closed LlmDl closed 9 years ago
2 ways to go about this:
1. Do not use EssentialsChat, everything that it does townychat can do and more
2. Do not give anyone the node, this will mean no ones sees or speaks
on that channel.
Reported by LlmDlio
on 2013-06-18 01:54:08
1. Not a solution at all, unless TownyChat has the ability to give its own prefixes
for each group without using permissions prefixes. Using permissions prefixes messes
up other things in essentials like private messaging, online lists, and permanently
attaches that prefix to any plugin that requires the username.
2. They don't have it anyway, and this has been tried countless times on a test server
with _no_ permissions:
Reported by mobilephone2003
on 2013-06-18 05:39:29 the townyperms.yml
Reported by LlmDlio
on 2013-06-18 05:42:04
Reported by mobilephone2003
on 2013-06-18 05:44:13
Remove the from the nomad group in there.
Reported by LlmDlio
on 2013-06-18 06:02:51
Still overrides it, that user should have the [Owner] tag
Reported by mobilephone2003
on 2013-06-18 06:11:09
Still overrides it, that user should have the [Owner] prefix
Reported by mobilephone2003
on 2013-06-18 06:11:29
Can you show me a current full startup and your permission plugin's file.
It would also be nice to see your chatconfig.yml if you've changed it since the one
you posted above.
Reported by LlmDlio
on 2013-06-18 12:40:57
Can't show you the permissions file because I'm using MySQL to sync them across all
my servers in the network. If there's a perm you'd like me to check I can check it.
The screenshot I showed was on my local server with an old cluttered Pex file, Towny
and EssentialsChat. No other plugins. The same config is used on the live server.
Full startup on Standard Server:
Chatconfig.yml (used on both):
Reported by mobilephone2003
on 2013-06-18 12:48:35
Scratch that, the local server didn't have pex
Reported by mobilephone2003
on 2013-06-18 12:49:58
Show me the startup of the test server and a new screenshot.
Reported by LlmDlio
on 2013-06-18 12:53:07
It's probably better if you see this to understand it.
I'll go one better. Here is a very simple local server (only 23MB) ready to go on localhost
with EssentialsChat and TownyChat, with chat modify set to false. Just run spigot.bat
(or make a if you're on linux to run the spigot.jar)
You'll see that even when you try to switch to town chat, the message will go to global.
If you turn modify_chat to true, you'll see the error that is constantly flooding my
live server right now.
The ranks that should be showing start at line 440 in /plugins/Essentials/config.yml
(default is [Member])
Reported by mobilephone2003
on 2013-06-18 13:08:39
I don't have the time to do that now, show me the full startup of your test server and
the corresponding screenshot of the chat, showing all the channels.
Reported by LlmDlio
on 2013-06-18 13:22:20
... I don't have the time to be messing with something that should be working either
but I am. You shouldn't offer support if you "don't have the time" to help people,
I'm putting in the time to show you the issue.
This issue has prevented me upgrading to the latest towny, and I've been using TownyChat
0.31 or earlier just to skip the issue, but that doesn't work anymore.
Here, lots of screenshots and configs:
** Startup Log (same for all of the following screenshots, no errors) **
Chat with Modify_chat false, speaking in tc, no global channel:
Config with Modify_chat false:
Chat error in action with Modify_chat true, no global channel, speaking in global:
Config with Modify_chat true:
Chat with a _new chatconfig.yml_ with modify true (bypasses EssentialsChat):
Chat with a _new chatconfig.yml_ with modify false:
The best option currently for the live server is with global channel + error. It works
as intended, can TownyChat please have an option to disable global chat. PLEASE.
Reported by mobilephone2003
on 2013-06-18 13:45:11
The last screenshot is probably the most significant. You'll see with default values
and modify false, messages directed for towns are not directed to towns.
Reported by mobilephone2003
on 2013-06-18 13:50:11
Towny cannot find your {permprefix} because you do not have a permission plugin on your
test server. Put in your pex and test it. Also, do not cut out the global channel_format,
it should be there but towny will not use it if no one has the permission node for
Reported by LlmDlio
on 2013-06-18 13:54:12
I've already said that I don't want to use pex prefixes, the groups are set in EssentialsChat,
pex only has the colour.
Either way:
Pex on, Modify_chat false:
Pex on, Modify_chat true:
Same issue. TownyChat should be forwarding onPlayerChat to TC, and not showing to global,
but it isn't. If Modify_chat means don't modify the chat including tc, theres no point
in having the plugin at all.
Here's why I don't want to use pex prefixing, i added my member tag to pex: - Imagine this with 70+ players - Unnecessary prefix in /msg
Pretty much everything in essentials calls on these usernames with prefixes, other
plugins do it too, all I need is the coloured name, not the prefix.
All i want is this without the error:
It works perfectly that way, and disregards the channel it shouldn't be controlling.
Reported by mobilephone2003
on 2013-06-18 14:16:42
Sorry, this without the error: *
Reported by mobilephone2003
on 2013-06-18 14:18:12
Re: modify_chat setting, this is a relic, something that shouldn't be changed from true,
so leave it true.
In the channel_format section:
- Add the global line but dont give the permission node for it.
- Remove {permprefix} from all the format lines if you arent going to be using it.
The error is probably cause you've removed the global section.
Reported by LlmDlio
on 2013-06-18 22:31:54
This still means I have to use TownyChat by default, which affects the rank format i've
been using for a year and a half, rank formats people have donated for
Reported by mobilephone2003
on 2013-06-18 22:34:34
Screenshot of this, with pex back to the colours, now nobody has a prefix, just {modplayername}:
Reported by mobilephone2003
on 2013-06-18 22:41:25
If you're around join the IRC:
I'm off work and am on there, it will be waaay easier to troubleshoot this.
Reported by LlmDlio
on 2013-06-18 22:51:42
This is confirmed via testing and is being fixed.
Reported by LlmDlio
on 2013-06-24 17:30:01
Fixed and part of TownyChat 0.40 and TownyAdvanced
Reported by LlmDlio
on 2013-06-24 18:13:31
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1756
Reported by
on 2013-06-17 22:09:33