Closed black3000 closed 4 years ago
1. 2. 3.
The regex in the error doesn’t match the one in the config, in fact I see some Cyrillic characters in your regex from that error.
Please verify this is in your config.yml
name_filter_regex: '[ /]'
name_check_regex: ^[\P{M}\p{M}*+a-zA-Z0-9._\[\]-]*$
string_check_regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9 \s._\[\]\#\?\!\@\$\%\^\&\*\-\,\*\(\)\{\}]*$
name_remove_regex: '[^\P{M}\p{M}*+a-zA-Z0-9\&._\[\]-]'
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. 2. 3.
What is the expected output?
1.Working Cyrillic for towny
What is your Towny version?
Do not say "latest".
What is your spigot/craftbukkit version?
Do not say "latest". Spigot-1.15.2.jar
Please use to link the following files:
Skipping these files is not an option. It is the easiest way to diagnose an issue ticket properly. If you do skip this step then your ticket will most likely be deleted and you will be asked to resubmit.
Your full server startup from the logs\latest.log : latest (2).log
Your Towny config.yml (if using MySQL please remove password,) :
| Permission nodes |
Possible permission nodes
for a full list of permission nodes visit:
permissions: ''
| Town and Nation levels |
default Town levels.
default Nation levels.
| Town Claim/new defaults |
Default public status of the town (used for /town spawn)
default_public: 'true'
Default Open status of the town (are new towns open and joinable by anyone at creation?)
default_open: 'false'
Default tax settings for new towns.
Default amount of tax of a new town. This must be lower than the economy.daily_taxes.max_tax_percent setting.
Limits the maximum amount of bonus blocks a town can buy.
This setting does nothing when town.max_purchased_blocks_uses_town_levels is set to true.
max_purchased_blocks: '0'
When set to true, the town_level section of the config determines the maximum number of bonus blocks a town can purchase.
max_purchased_blocks_uses_town_levels: 'true'
maximum number of plots any single resident can own
max_plots_per_resident: '100'
maximum number used in /town claim/unclaim # commands.
set to 0 to disable limiting of claim radius value check.
keep in mind that the default value of 4 is a radius,
and it will allow claiming 9x9 (80 plots) at once.
max_claim_radius_value: '4'
Maximum number of towns allowed on the server.
town_limit: '3000'
Minimum number of plots any towns plot must be from the next town's own plots.
This will prevent town encasement to a certain degree.
min_plot_distance_from_town_plot: '5'
Minimum number of plots any towns home plot must be from the next town.
This will prevent someone founding a town right on your doorstep
min_distance_from_town_homeblock: '5'
Minimum number of plots an outpost must be from any other town's plots.
Useful when min_plot_distance_from_town_plot is set to near-zero to allow towns to have claims
near to each other, but want to keep outposts away from towns.
min_distance_for_outpost_from_plot: '5'
Maximum distance between homeblocks.
This will force players to build close together.
max_distance_between_homeblocks: '0'
The maximum townblocks available to a town is (numResidents * ratio).
Setting this value to 0 will instead use the level based jump values determined in the town level config.
town_block_ratio: '8'
The size of the square grid cell. Changing this value is suggested only when you first install Towny.
Doing so after entering data will shift things unwantedly. Using smaller value will allow higher precision,
at the cost of more work setting up. Also, extremely small values will render the caching done useless.
Each cell is (town_block_size town_block_size 128) in size, with 128 being from bedrock to clouds.
town_block_size: '16'
| Default new world settings |
These flags are only used at the initial setup of a new world.
Once Towny is running each world can be altered from within game
using '/townyworld toggle'
Default for new worlds to have towny enabled.
using_towny: 'true'
Set if PVP is enabled in this world
world_monsters_on is a global flag setting per world.
Allow explosions in this world
Allow fire to be lit and spread in this world.
Prevent Endermen from picking up and placing blocks.
enderman_protect: 'true'
Disable players trampling crops
disable_player_crop_trampling: 'true'
Disable creatures trampling crops
disable_creature_crop_trampling: 'true'
World management settings to deal with un/claiming plots
| Global town settings |
can residents/Allies harm other residents when in an area with pvp enabled? Other than an Arena plot.
friendly_fire: 'true'
Players within their town or allied towns will regenerate half a heart after every health_regen_speed seconds.
health_regen: speed: 3s enable: 'true'
Allow towns to claim outposts (a townblock not connected to town).
allow_outposts: 'true'
When set to true outposts can be limited by the townOutpostLimit value of the Town Levels and
the nationBonusOutpostLimit value in the Nation Levels. In this way nations can be made to be
the only way of receiving outposts, or as an incentive to receive more outposts. Towns which are
larger can have more outposts.
When activated, this setting will not cause towns who already have higher than their limit
to lose outposts. They will not be able to start new outposts until they have unclaimed outposts
to become under their limit. Likewise, towns that join a nation and receive bonus outposts will
be over their limit if they leave the nation.
limit_outposts_using_town_and_nation_levels: 'false'
When limit_outposts_using_town_and_nation_levels is also true, towns which are over their outpost
limit will not be able to use their /town outpost teleports for the outpost #'s higher than their limit,
until they have dropped below their limit.
eg: If their limit is 3 then they cannot use /t outpost 4
over_outpost_limits_stops_teleports: 'false'
Allow the use of /town spawn
Valid values are: true, false, war, peace
When war or peace is set, it is only possible to teleport to the town,
when there is a war or peace.
allow_town_spawn: 'true'
Allow regular residents to use /town spawn [town] (TP to other towns if they are public).
Valid values are: true, false, war, peace
When war or peace is set, it is only possible to teleport to the town,
when there is a war or peace.
allow_town_spawn_travel: 'true'
Allow regular residents to use /town spawn [town] to other towns in your nation.
Valid values are: true, false, war, peace
When war or peace is set, it is only possible to teleport to the town,
when there is a war or peace.
allow_town_spawn_travel_nation: 'true'
Allow regular residents to use /town spawn [town] to other towns in a nation allied with your nation.
Valid values are: true, false, war, peace
When war or peace is set, it is only possible to teleport to the town,
when there is a war or peace.
allow_town_spawn_travel_ally: 'true'
When set to true both nation and ally spawn travel will also require the target town to have their status set to public.
is_nation_ally_spawning_requiring_public_status: 'false'
If non zero it delays any spawn request by x seconds.
teleport_warmup_time: '0'
Number of seconds that must pass before a player can use /t spawn or /res spawn.
spawn_cooldown_time: '30'
Number of seconds that must pass before pvp can be toggled by a town.
Applies to residents of the town using /res toggle pvp, as well as
plots having their PVP toggled using /plot toggle pvp.
pvp_cooldown_time: '30'
Respawn the player at his town spawn point when he/she dies
town_respawn: 'false'
Town respawn only happens when the player dies in the same world as the town's spawn point.
town_respawn_same_world_only: 'false'
Prevent players from using /town spawn while within unclaimed areas and/or enemy/neutral towns.
Allowed options: unclaimed,enemy,neutral
prevent_town_spawn_in: enemy
Enables the [~Home] message.
If false it will make it harder for enemies to find the home block during a war
show_town_notifications: 'true'
The required number of residents in a town to join a nation
If the number is 0, towns will not require a certain amount of residents to join a nation
required_number_residents_join_nation: '0'
The required number of residents in a town to create a nation
If the number is 0, towns will not require a certain amount of residents to create a nation
required_number_residents_create_nation: '0'
If set to true, if a nation is disbanded due to a lack of residents, the capital will be refunded the cost of nation creation.
refund_disband_low_residents: 'true'
The maximum number of townblocks a town can be away from a nation capital,
Automatically precludes towns from one world joining a nation in another world.
If the number is 0, towns will not a proximity to a nation.
nation_requires_proximity: '0.0'
List of blocks which can be modified on farm plots, as long as player is also allowed in the plot's '/plot perm' line.
Not included by default but some servers add GRASS_BLOCK,FARMLAND,DIRT to their list.
List of animals which can be killed on farm plots by town residents.
The maximum number of residents that can be joined to a town. Setting to 0 disables this feature.
max_residents_per_town: '0'
If Towny should show players the townboard when they login
display_board_onlogin: 'true'
If set to true, Towny will prevent a town from toggling PVP while an outsider is within the town's boundaries.
When active this feature can cause a bit of lag when the /t toggle pvp command is used, depending on how many players are online.
outsiders_prevent_pvp_toggle: 'false'
If set to true, when a world has forcepvp set to true, homeblocks of towns will not be affected and have PVP set to off.
homeblocks_prevent_forcepvp: 'false'
The amount of residents a town needs to claim an outpost,
Setting this value to 0, means a town can claim outposts no matter how many residents
minimum_amount_of_residents_in_town_for_outpost: '0'
If People should keep their inventories on death in a town
Is not guaranteed to work with other keep inventory plugins!
keep_inventory_on_death_in_town: 'false'
If People should keep their experience on death in a town
Is not guaranteed to work with other keep experience plugins!
keep_experience_on_death_in_town: 'false'
Maximum amount that a town can set their plot, embassy, shop, etc plots' prices to.
Setting this higher can be dangerous if you use Towny in a mysql database. Large numbers can become shortened to scientific notation.
maximum_plot_price_cost: '1000000.0'
If set to true, the /town screen will display the xyz coordinate for a town's spawn rather than the homeblock's Towny coords.
display_xyz_instead_of_towny_coords: 'false'
If set to true the /town list command will list randomly, rather than by whichever comparator is used, hiding resident counts.
display_town_list_randomly: 'false'
| Global nation settings |
Nation Zones are a special type of wilderness surrounding Capitals of Nations or Nation Capitals and their Towns.
When it is enabled players who are members of the nation can use the wilderness surrounding the town like normal.
Players who are not part of that nation will find themselves unable to break/build/switch/itemuse in this part of the wilderness.
The amount of townblocks used for the zone is determined by the size of the nation and configured in the nation levels.
Because these zones are still wilderness anyone can claim these townblocks.
It is recommended that whatever size you choose, these numbers should be less than the min_plot_distance_from_town_plot otherwise
someone might not be able to build/destroy in the wilderness outside their town.
If Towny should show players the nationboard when they login.
display_board_onlogin: 'true'
If enabled, only allow the nation spawn to be set in the capital city.
capital_spawn: 'true'
Allow the use of /nation spawn
Valid values are: true, false, war, peace
When war or peace is set, it is only possible to teleport to the nation,
when there is a war or peace.
allow_nation_spawn: 'true'
Allow regular residents to use /nation spawn [nation] (TP to other nations if they are public).
Valid values are: true, false, war, peace
When war or peace is set, it is only possible to teleport to the nation,
when there is a war or peace.
allow_nation_spawn_travel: 'true'
Allow regular residents to use /nation spawn [nation] to other nations allied with your nation.
Valid values are: true, false, war, peace
When war or peace is set, it is only possible to teleport to the nations,
when there is a war or peace.
allow_nation_spawn_travel_ally: 'true'
If higher than 0, it will limit how many towns can be joined into a nation.
Does not affect existing nations that are already over the limit.
max_towns_per_nation: '0' default:
If set to true, any newly made nation will have their spawn set to public.
| Plugin interfacing |
Valid load and save types are: flatfile, mysql, h2.
database: database_load: flatfile database_save: flatfile
The number of hours in each "day".
Lots of messages to tell you what's going on in the server with time taken for events.
debug_mode: 'true'
Info tool for server admins to use to query in game blocks and entities.
info_tool: BRICK
Spams the player named in dev_name with all messages related to towny.
dev_mode: enable: 'false' dev_name: ElgarL
Record all messages to the towny.log
logging: 'true'
If true this will cause the log to be wiped at every startup.
reset_log_on_boot: 'true'
| Filters colour and chat |
This is the name given to any NPC assigned mayor.
npc_prefix: NPC
Regex fields used in validating inputs.
regex: name_filter_regex: '[ /]' name_checkregex: ^[\P{M}\p{M}*+a-zA-Z0-9.[]-]$ string_checkregex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9 \s.[]#\?!\@\$\%\^\&*-\,*(){}]$ name_removeregex: '[^\P{M}\p{M}*+a-zA-Z0-9\&.[]-]'
Maximum length of Town and Nation names.
See the Placeholders wiki page for list of PAPI placeholders.
When using PlaceholderAPI, and a tag would show both nation and town, this will determine how they are formatted.
| block/item/mob protection |
Items that can be blocked within towns via town/plot flags
259 - flint and steel
325 - bucket
326 - water bucket
327 - lava bucket
351 - bone/bonemeal
359 - shears
368 - ender pearl
374 - glass bottle
385 - fire charge
Items which can be blocked or enabled via town/plot flags
25 - noteblock
54 - chest ...etc
permitted entities
Animals, Chicken, Cow, Creature, Creeper, Flying, Ghast, Giant, Monster, Pig,
PigZombie, Sheep, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Squid, WaterMob, Wolf, Zombie, Shulker
Husk, Stray, SkeletonHorse, ZombieHorse, Vex, Vindicator, Evoker, Endermite, PolarBear
Remove living entities within a town's boundaries, if the town has the mob removal flag set.
town_mob_removal_entities: Monster,Flying,Slime,Shulker,SkeletonHorse,ZombieHorse
Whether the town mob removal should remove THE_KILLER_BUNNY type rabbits.
town_mob_removal_killer_bunny: 'true'
Prevent the spawning of villager babies in towns.
town_prevent_villager_breeding: 'false'
Disable creatures triggering stone pressure plates
disable_creature_pressureplate_stone: 'true'
Globally remove living entities in all worlds that have their flag set.
world_mob_removal_entities: Monster,Flying,Slime,Shulker,SkeletonHorse,ZombieHorse
Prevent the spawning of villager babies in the world.
world_prevent_villager_breeding: 'false'
When set to true, mobs who've been named with a nametag will not be removed by the mob removal task.
mob_removal_skips_named_mobs: 'false'
The maximum amount of time a mob could be inside a town's boundaries before being sent to the void.
Lower values will check all entities more often at the risk of heavier burden and resource use.
NEVER set below 1.
mob_removal_speed: 5s
permitted entities
Animals, Chicken, Cow, Creature, Creeper, Flying, Ghast, Giant, Monster, Pig,
PigZombie, Sheep, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Squid, WaterMob, Wolf, Zombie
Protect living entities within a town's boundaries from being killed by players.
mob_types: Animals,WaterMob,NPC,Snowman,ArmorStand,Villager
permitted Potion Types
When preventing PVP prevent the use of these potions.
| Wilderness settings |
These Settings defaults only. They are copied to each worlds data files upon first detection
To make changes for each world edit the settings in the relevant worlds data file 'plugins/Towny/data/worlds/'
| Town Notifications |
This is the format for the notifications sent as players move between plots.
Empty a particular format for it to be ignored.
~ [notification.area[wilderness/town]][notification.splitter][notification.[no]owner][notification.splitter][notification.plot.format]
... [notification.plot.format]
... [notification.plot.homeblock][notification.plot.splitter][][notification.plot.splitter][notification.plot.type]
~ Wak Town - Lord Jebus - [Home] [For Sale: 50 Beli] [Shop]
notification: format: '&6 ~ %s' splitter: '&7 - ' area_wilderness: '&2%s' area_wilderness_pvp: '%s' area_town: '&6%s' area_town_pvp: '%s' owner: '&a%s' no_owner: '&a%s' plot: splitter: ' ' format: '%s' homeblock: '&b[Home]' outpostblock: '&b[Outpost]' forsale: '&e[For Sale: %s]' type: '&6[%s]'
When set to true, town's names are the long form (townprefix)(name)(townpostfix) configured in the town_level section.
When false, it is only the town name.
town_names_are_verbose: 'true' group: '&f[%s]'
If set to true MC's Title and Subtitle feature will be used when crossing into a town.
Could be seen as intrusive/distracting, so false by default.
using_titles: 'false'
Requires the above using_titles to be set to true.
Title and Subtitle shown when entering a town or the wilderness. By default 1st line is blank, the 2nd line shows {townname} or {wilderness}.
You may use colour codes &f, &c and so on.
Entering Town Upper Title Line
If the notification.owner option should show name or {title} name.
Titles are the ones granted by nation kings.
owner_shows_nation_title: 'false'
This setting only applies to servers running spigot, paper or bungeecord.
On servers using craftbukkit.jar the notifications will always appear in the chat.
When set to false the notifications will appear in the chat rather than the action bar.
notifications_appear_in_action_bar: 'true'
This settings set the duration the actionbar (The text above the inventory bar) lasts in seconds
notification_actionbar_duration: '15'
| Default Town/Plot flags |
Default permission flags for residents plots within a town
Can allies/friends/outsiders perform certain actions in the town
build - place blocks and other items
destroy - break blocks and other items
itemuse - use items such as furnaces (as defined in item_use_ids)
switch - trigger or activate switches (as defined in switch_ids)
resident: friend: build: 'true' destroy: 'true' item_use: 'true' switch: 'true' town: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'false' ally: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'false' outsider: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'false'
Default permission flags for towns
These are copied into the town data file at creation
Can allies/outsiders/residents perform certain actions in the town
build - place blocks and other items
destroy - break blocks and other items
itemuse - use items such as flint and steel or buckets (as defined in item_use_ids)
switch - trigger or activate switches (as defined in switch_ids)
town: default: pvp: 'true' fire: 'false' explosion: 'false' mobs: 'false' resident: build: 'true' destroy: 'true' item_use: 'true' switch: 'true' nation: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'false' ally: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'false' outsider: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'false'
| Towny Invite System |
Command used to accept towny invites)
e.g Player join town invite.
accept_command: accept
Command used to deny towny invites
e.g Player join town invite.
deny_command: deny
Command used to confirm some towny actions/tasks)
e.g Purging database or removing a large amount of townblocks
confirm_command: confirm
Command used to cancel some towny actions/tasks
e.g Purging database or removing a large amount of townblocks
cancel_command: cancel
When set for more than 0m, the amount of time (in minutes) which must have passed between
a player's first log in and when they can be invited to a town.
cooldowntime: 0m
You can increase these limits but it is not recommended. Invites/requests are not saved between server reloads/stops.
How many invites a town can send out to players, to join the town.
You can increase these limits but it is not recommended. Invites/requests are not saved between server reloads/stops.
How many invites can one player have from towns.
When set above 0, the maximum distance a player can be from a town's spawn in order to receive an invite.
Use this setting to require players to be near or inside a town before they can be invited.
maximum_distance_from_town_spawn: '0'
| Resident settings |
player is flagged as inactive after 1 hour (default)
inactive_after_time: 1h
if enabled old residents will be deleted, losing their town, townblocks, friends
after Two months (default) of not logging in
delete_old_residents: enable: 'false' deleted_after_time: 60d delete_economy_account: 'true'
When true only residents who have no town will be deleted.
The name of the town a resident will automatically join when he first registers.
default_town_name: ''
If true, players can only use beds in plots they personally own.
deny_bed_use: 'false'
If true, players who join the server for the first time will cause the msg_registration message in the language files to be shown server-wide.
is_showing_welcome_message: 'true'
| Economy settings |
By default it is set to true.
Rarely set to false. Set to false if you get concurrent modification errors on timers for daily tax collections.
use_async: 'true'
Prefix to apply to all town economy accounts.
town_prefix: town-
Prefix to apply to all nation economy accounts.
nation_prefix: nation-
The cost of renaming a town.
town_rename_cost: '0'
The cost of renaming a nation.
nation_rename_cost: '0'
Cost to use /town spawn
The daily upkeep to remain neutral during a war. Neutrality will exclude you from a war event, as well as deterring enemies.
price_nation_neutrality: '100.0'
How much it costs to start a nation.
Either fixed or percentage.
Maximum amount of money allowed in town bank
The name of the account that all money that normally disappears goes into.
Enables taxes to be collected daily by town/nation
Cost to use /plot set shop to change a normal plot to a shop plot.
| Jail Plot settings |
If true attacking players who die on enemy-town land will be placed into the defending town's jail if it exists.
Requires town_respawn to be true in order to work.
is_jailing_attacking_enemies: 'false'
If true attacking players who are considered an outlaw, that are killed inside town land will be placed into the defending town's jail if it exists.
Requires town_respawn to be true in order to work.
is_jailing_attacking_outlaws: 'false'
If true jailed players can use Ender Pearls but are still barred from using other methods of teleporting.
jail_allows_ender_pearls: 'false'
If false jailed players can use /town leave, and escape a jail.
jail_denies_town_leave: 'false'
If true players can pay a bail amount to be unjailed.
Commands which a jailed player cannot use.
blacklisted_commands: home,spawn,teleport,tp,tpa,tphere,tpahere,back,dback,ptp,jump,kill,warp,suicide
| Bank Plot settings |
Bank plots may be used by other economy plugins using the Towny API.
If true players will only be able to use /t deposit, /t withdraw, /n deposit & /n withdraw while inside bank plots belonging to the town or nation capital respectively.
Home plots will also allow deposit and withdraw commands.
is_banking_limited_to_bank_plots: 'false'
| War settings |
This setting allows you disable the ability for a nation to pay to remain neutral during a war.
nation_can_be_neutral: 'true'
By setting this to true, nations will receive a prompt for alliances and alliances will show on both nations.
disallow_one_way_alliance: 'true'
| Economy Transfers During War settings |
economy: enemy:
Amount charged to place a warflag (payed to server).
| War Event settings |
This is started with /townyadmnin toggle war
In peace time War spoils are accumulated from towns and nations being
deleted with any money left in the bank.
These funds are increased during a war event upon a player death.
An additional bonus to the war chest is set in base_spoils.
During the event a town losing a townblock pays the wartime_town_block_loss_price to the attacking town.
The war is won when the only nations left in the battle are allies, or only a single nation.
The winning nations share half of the war spoils.
The remaining half is paid to the town which took the most town blocks, and lost the least.
event: warning_delay: '30'
If false all towns not in nations can be attacked during a war event.
| Flag War Settings |
| |
| [Separate from Event War] |
| -------------------------------- |
| DEPRECATED: Minimally Supported Through |
| 3rd Party Contributions Only |
If false, players won't be able to place war flags, effectively disabling warzones.
| Warzone Block Permissions |
| |
| Used in Flag & Event Wars |
List of materials that can be modified in a warzone.
This file contains custom permission sets which will be assigned to your players
depending on their current status.
This is all managed by towny and pushed directly to CraftBukkits SuperPerms.
These will be in addition to any you manually assign in your specific permission plugin.
You may assign any Permission nodes here, including those from other plugins.
You may also create any custom ranks you require.
The 'nomad' permission set covers players not in any town
This section of permissions covers players who are members of a town.
towns: default:
'default' is the permission set which is auto assigned to any normal town member
This section of permissions covers players who are members of any town in a nation.
nations: default:
All nation members get these permissions.