TownyAdvanced / Towny

Towny Advanced Minecraft plugin for Bukkit/Spigot.
518 stars 356 forks source link

Suggestion: Translatable Titles #7512

Closed darksaid98 closed 2 months ago

darksaid98 commented 2 months ago

Please explain your feature request to the best of your abilities:

I know the issue name may be a bit ambiguous so here it goes. This has less to do with "translations" and more so with the customizability of the plugin (as far as looks go).

Problem: These lines are hardcoded limiting the customizeability of certain parts of the plugin.


There is quite a bit more in the ChatTools file than the above :(

Perhaps I want my town info page title to be something like: <dark_gray><strikethrough> <reset> Town <dark_gray><strikethrough> <reset>, rather than the towny default of .oOo.____.


LlmDl commented 2 months ago

99/100 servers are not sponsoring right now so I'm not taking on suggestions. If you'd like to code this and make a PR you're welcome to do that.