TownyAdvanced / Towny

Towny Advanced Minecraft plugin for Bukkit/Spigot.
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[Towny Error] Locked in Safe Mode #960

Closed LlmDl closed 9 years ago

LlmDl commented 9 years ago

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 927

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.I Can't Move Myself nor the Screen it will just jump back to its previous position
2.i can't do any commands expect from /plugins
3.i read stuff about it in the internet and it said that towny thinks that there is
a hacker in the game? is that true?

then my mate tried and he couldnt move either!

what is wrong is this a bug or is it me?

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

What is your towny build?
What is your bukkit build?
1.2.5 R1.0
What operating system?
Windows 7 Professional

Please use to attach links to relevant files which could
include your towny config.yml, your permissions file, broken town files
that prevent towny from loading on startup.

Reported by DCDOMINOES on 2012-04-15 10:26:02

LlmDl commented 9 years ago
Other comments:
1. This is triggered by restarts after altering config files of other plugins.
2. This can be (temporarily) fixed by using a backup.
3. Sometimes using /townadmin backup and getting a positive message it doesn't end
up in the backup folder when I try to use it.

Identical towny and bukkit builds. - The config

list of plugins:

MobArena (This is what I edited)

Reported by swordsandsheaths on 2012-04-15 14:49:05

LlmDl commented 9 years ago
so you have thhe same prob as me or you have it fixed?

Reported by DCDOMINOES on 2012-04-15 18:44:09

LlmDl commented 9 years ago
swordsandsheaths is actually wrong on what causes this. It's corruption of the data
files and does usually require a backup, unless you know how and where to edit the
towny data.

If you figure out how it happened, and towny is corrupting itself, then it can be fixed.
Some servers just mess themselves once in a while though and then we cannot fix it.

Reported by LlmDlio on 2012-04-16 00:06:32

LlmDl commented 9 years ago
@ are you the owner of the plugin?
btw if you are, why does this happen though is there a way that this can be fixed in

Reported by DCDOMINOES on 2012-04-16 15:02:03

LlmDl commented 9 years ago
Pastebin your startup log. The cause will be listed in there.

Reported by on 2012-04-16 15:25:45

LlmDl commented 9 years ago
LlmD, what I was saying was that whenever I update the config file for mob arena this
occurs for me, if the error is caused by corruption, then mob arena may be corrupting
towny files. If you can be more specific on what files may be corrupted I would have
a chance at pinpointing and removing errors in those files.

Just restarted, pasting full startup log. find it here:

Reported by swordsandsheaths on 2012-04-17 01:07:02

LlmDl commented 9 years ago
@swordsandsheaths you have multi inv, ico6 and one other plugin erroring due to improperly
parsed configs, stop using tabs is my guess.

I didn't see the towny part of the startup because it wasn't a full startup.

Try again if you want but the towny is locked stuff is fixed by loading a towny backup
or carefully editing the data files themselves. Joining the irc can get you help.

Reported by LlmDlio on 2012-04-17 03:58:32

LlmDl commented 9 years ago
Well on the startup it will say
[TownyChat]: Disabling Towny Chat.
and then when i enter it will say:
[Towny Error] Locked in Safe Mode
btw evry thing else works(as in plugins)

Reported by DCDOMINOES on 2012-04-17 15:55:00

LlmDl commented 9 years ago
No FULL logs, no help.

Reported by on 2012-04-17 18:18:05

LlmDl commented 9 years ago

Reported by on 2012-04-25 13:10:20

LlmDl commented 9 years ago
I Know How To Fix It I Had The Same Prob 
All you have to do is goto The Towny folder located in Plugins then delete the file
and Reload Server Then Done

Reported by on 2014-01-19 15:00:46