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The Tox Project's official website
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
231 stars 52 forks source link website redesign #215

Open iphydf opened 4 years ago

iphydf commented 4 years ago

I'm currently working with a professional designer to rework our website, pretty much from scratch. We will use some of the ideas, and maybe some of the words from the existing website, but other than that, I'd like our designer to not be bound by preexisting content. That said, here is a list of requirements for the design.

Core requirements


Derived requirements

Some derived requirements that follow from solving the constraint system above:

Our choice of client

We will choose a single client to present to users on the website. The choice of client should be:

Regarding other clients

Currently, the website fairly prominently lists many clients. Most of them are not actively developed. Some of them are. We can't confuse users with that list, so it has to go. We can have some place to put them, e.g. on the TokTok website, where all the various integrations with toxcore are presented. We can do a better job of presenting them there, but is the site that users go to when they don't want a choice.

Some implementation notes

Final notes

It is vital we do this now. This, among other things. I've been out for a year, travelling. When the coronavirus started hitting the world, I came back, to get Tox into shape and out into the hands of common people who want to talk to their family abroad or even in the same locked down city. We have the technology, we've been working on it for about 7 years. We should get this technology to the people now. They are suffering, because they use Zoom and get all their data sent over to Beijing (this is true). Let's get our stuff together and present Tox as the awesome product it is.

millerebonds commented 4 years ago

Hello, I didn't find a lot of places to write this, thus this one seems good.

I want to thank you for your work. Several people said tox is one of the best independant instant messaging program, with very good security features.

I use qtox with tor, it's really stunning, and works well.

I have more problems with TRIfA and Antox… I have a replicant phone… and the latest replicant release seems not very compatible… I must use old TRIfA versions…!

zoff99 commented 4 years ago

@millerebonds please open an issue in the trifa repo antox is not in active development anymore.