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Link to aTox on F-Droid #233

Closed robinlinden closed 3 years ago

nurupo commented 3 years ago

The PR LGTM, however, what's up with the F-Droid page?

Anti-Features This app has features you may not like. Learn more! This app promotes non-free network services


  - NonFreeNet


This Antifeature is applied to apps that promote or depend entirely on a non-Free network service.

While this is a rather vague definition, the following might give some sort of guidance:

The term is not clearly defined. I think we most of the time were actually talking about the code aspect of it: Does an app rely on a networking service that is not (by our knowledge) run or easy to reproduce with free software. Sigh.. don't think that makes it any better. Maybe some examples help: Telegram requires interacting with a server which source code has not been released, so its NonFreeNet. On the other hand, serving html files from an MS IIS http server is not affected, because you can easily replace it with your favored one.

Is it impossible to disable the pre-defined / bootstrap nodes and use only the user-provided ones in aTox? Because that's the only thing I can think of that would warrant such a warning.

nurupo commented 3 years ago

From IRC:

\<robinli> [...] They listed it having bootstrap nodes baked in as an anti-feature though, so will make those configurable for 0.6.0 and ask them to drop that notice.