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Add Antidote to website #239

Open zoff99 opened 2 years ago

nurupo commented 2 years ago

themes/website/static/js/osdetect.js and themes/website/templates/clients.html are missing entries for TRIfA.

When adding client screenshots, please run them through:

find . -type f -iname "*.png" -print0 | xargs -I {} -0 optipng -o7 -zm1-9 "{}"
find . -type f -iname "*.jp*" -print0 | xargs -I {} -0 jpegoptim --strip-all "{}"

(don't run it on the screenshots already on the website).

Here is the commit that removed Antidote before, you might want to reuse the text and screenshots from it (assuming the client hasn't changed the appearance).

zoff99 commented 2 years ago

any progress on this?

nurupo commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I'm away for a few months, maybe @robinlinden or someone else can take over this.

robinlinden commented 2 years ago

This is missing a warning about the push functionality, and what nurupo wrote in, applies here too, so some work to display the warning even if the client is displayed from the osdetect script is needed.

zoff99 commented 2 years ago

@robinlinden done.

zoff99 commented 2 years ago

added nurupos proposal and also added the waring osdetect.js made this PR seperate from TRIfA PR @robinlinden ready to merge?

zoff99 commented 2 years ago

its been 1 month, any progress on this PR ?

Tha14 commented 2 years ago

Hey, Any chance we can get this merged sometime soon(Assuming everything is in order)? I had to questions from iOS people as to why it's missing from the official website. Cheers

zoff99 commented 2 years ago

its been another month, any progress in this PR ?

zoff99 commented 2 years ago

its been 4 months, any progress?

j7j2 commented 2 years ago

Do someone know when Antidote for IOS will be added to this page? I’m actually using the thing and it is mature enough to be listed. It works fine!!

thedmdim commented 2 years ago


zoff99 commented 1 year ago

any new on this? @nurupo @robinlinden