ToxicBakery / ViewPagerTransforms

Library containing common animations needed for transforming ViewPager scrolling for Android v13+.
Apache License 2.0
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Buttons in each of ViewPager pages no longer clickable after applying DepthPageTransform #45

Closed wanbyte closed 8 years ago

wanbyte commented 8 years ago

Hey,nice job ViewPagerTransforms.Am using the DepthPageTransform on my ViewPager and getting issues.On each of my ViewPager pages there is a button,this button is no clickable after applying the above Transform...Removing the Transform fixes the issue...What do I do? Thanks

ToxicBakery commented 8 years ago

It's hard to debug something like that verbally. Can you create a repo demonstrating your particular issue?

Loigor commented 8 years ago

Applying any transformer to viewpager will break OnClickListeners created on viewpager page.

ToxicBakery commented 8 years ago

This does not sound like an issue with the transforms but instead an issue with the ViewPager and whatever it does when a transform is used. I could be wrong but I have had no issues so I would need someone to identify exactly what the issue is.

CK875430315 commented 6 years ago

fuck!!!!it is 辣鸡