ToxicBakery / ViewPagerTransforms

Library containing common animations needed for transforming ViewPager scrolling for Android v13+.
Apache License 2.0
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resolve problem: new page can't handle click event! #50

Closed rdshoep closed 8 years ago

rdshoep commented 8 years ago

Using FlipHorizontalTransformer with viewPager.

The next fragment can't handle touch event after switch page, because the last fragment is above the next fragment!

Nico60 commented 8 years ago

Same issue with FlipVerticalTransorfmer

ToxicBakery commented 8 years ago

Sorry I completely forgot to merge this.

In the future please try to only commit actual changes. You reformatted lines unrelated to the commit in this instance.

It is also worth noting your comment in onPostTransform only makes sense in the context of this PR and does not provide context for any future readers. It would be best to open issues and state the conditional resolves the related issue number so full context of history is retained.

rdshoep commented 8 years ago

@ToxicBakery Got it.