ToxicFrog / Ligaturizer

Programming Fonts with Ligatures added (& a script to add them to other fonts)
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.19k stars 112 forks source link

Automatic "make" build doesn't work on Ubuntu 18.04 #64

Closed jcklpe closed 5 years ago

jcklpe commented 5 years ago

Looks like the issue is that FiraBold is not included in the repo as a submodule? Do I just need to clone it in?

┌─    ~/Ligaturizer                                                            master  v4    
└─➤ make      
fontforge -lang=py -script 2>&1 \
| fgrep -v 'This contextual rule applies no lookups.' \
| fgrep -v 'Bad device table'
Copyright (c) 2000-2014 by George Williams. See AUTHORS for Contributors.
 License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
 with many parts BSD <>. Please read LICENSE.
 Based on sources from 11:21 UTC 24-Sep-2017-ML-D.
 Based on source from git with hash: 
The glyph named Tcommaaccent is mapped to U+021A.
  But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+0162.
The glyph named Delta is mapped to U+0394.
  But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2206.
The glyph named Omega is mapped to U+03A9.
  But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2126.
The glyph named tcommaaccent is mapped to U+021B.
  But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+0163.
The glyph named mu is mapped to U+03BC.
  But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+00B5.
The requested file, FiraCode-Bold.otf, does not exist
Ligaturizing font Input-BoldItalic_(InputSans-BoldItalic).ttf (Input) as 'liga-input-sans'
    ...using ligatures from fonts/fira/distr/otf/FiraCode-Bold.otf
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 83, in <module>
  File "/home/david/Ligaturizer/", line 276, in ligaturize_font
    firacode =
EnvironmentError: Open failed
jcklpe commented 5 years ago

Oh whoops, nvm I have to do a git submodule init and then update. I'm new. Sorry!