ToxicWar / gabe2048

MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link

Doge #1

Open 3bl3gamer opened 10 years ago

3bl3gamer commented 10 years ago
$ grep -ri doge ./
./ to Gabriele Cirulli and Jason LaFerrera code base [here]( and [here](
./ is licensed under the [MIT license.](
./style/ .doge-says {
./style/main.css:  .game-container .doge-says p {
./style/main.css:  .doge-says p {
./index.html:       <p>Use your arrow keys or swipe to combine similar Doges and score points! </p>
./index.html:       <p>Unlock all 11 doges to win!</p>       
./index.html:       <p> Doge-ified by   <a href="" target="_blank">Tiny Mammals.</a>
./index.html:    <!-- <div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-layout="button_count" data-action="like" data-show-faces="true" data-share="false"></div>
./index.html:    <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-text="Check out DOGE2048, a game where you join doges to score high! #2048game #doge2048" data-via="laferrera" data-url="" data-counturl="">Tweet</a>
./index.html:    <script src=""></script>
./index.html:        , currency: "dogecoin"
./index.html:        , lbl_address: "Tip Dogecoin to this Address:"
./index.html:        , lbl_amount: "DOGE"
./index.html:    ga('create', 'UA-49053101-1', '');
ToxicWar commented 10 years ago

Посмотри внимательнее, многое закоменченно, а в лицензии так вообще это должно быть.

3bl3gamer commented 10 years ago

А я и не говорил, что нужно выпиливать всех догей.