Toxocious / Absolute

An online multi-player Pokemon RPG with in-depth battling, trading, map exploration, real-time chatting, and more.
MIT License
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Move Page-specific Code Into ./Pages Directory #14

Open Toxocious opened 2 years ago

Toxocious commented 2 years ago


To further organize the code-base, code regarding specific pages should be moved into the ./pages directory, similar to how all of the code regarding the Pokemon Center lies in the ./pages/pokemon_center directory.

Doing this would also benefit from some refactoring of the code for each page that would be moved to the ./pages directory, where the new code would be organized as such:

|---- pokemon_center  ## Feature Name 
    |---- ajax        ## AJAX content, sent as JSON
        |---- inventory.php
        |---- moves.php
        |---- nickname.php
        |---- release.php
        |---- roster.php
    |---- functions   ## PHP functions
        |---- inventory.php
        |---- moves.php
        |---- nickname.php
        |---- release.php
        |---- roster.php
    |---- js          ## JS for handling client input
        |---- ajax_functions.js
        |---- inventory.js
        |---- moves.js
        |---- nickname.js
        |---- release.js
        |---- roster.js
    |---- pages       ## Base page templating
        |---- inventory.php
        |---- moves.php
        |---- nickname.php
        |---- release.php
        |---- roster.php

Pages To Move And Refactor