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Anduril 2 Flashlight Firmware and FSM UI Toolkit
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Implement channel_uses_aux() (Fixes issue #29) #33

Open SiteRelEnby opened 8 months ago

SiteRelEnby commented 8 months ago

Define when a channel needs to use aux LEDs as part of its operation, allowing that channel to block RGB voltage when on if configured.


gretel commented 8 months ago

werks great for me, thanks. looks like pull request are not going to be merged though.

SiteRelEnby commented 8 months ago

Not going to be merged why?

gretel commented 8 months ago

Not going to be merged why?

i dont know.

diRk262 commented 8 months ago

So @gretel if pull requests doesn't get merged, how can I get the latest firmware from 2023-12-03 with this fix included? I am not able to complle it on my own 🫣

SiteRelEnby commented 8 months ago

@diRk262 Which build targets do you need it for? I can build it.

SiteRelEnby commented 8 months ago @diRk262 here's all current builds (from this branch current state). Most untested, include <disclaimer.h>, etc, I tested on kr4 and emisar-2ch but no real reason I can think of it'd break on any weird configs.

diRk262 commented 8 months ago @diRk262 here's all current builds (from this branch current state). Most untested, include <disclaimer.h>, etc, I tested on kr4 and emisar-2ch but no real reason I can think of it'd break on any weird configs.

I updated my TS11 with this version. The rgb as multichannel is now working without getting overwritten by the voltage rgb function. No bugs found in a short test. Thanks!

gretel commented 8 months ago

@SiteRelEnby the workflow can build binaries (artifacts) if you approve it to run.

SiteRelEnby commented 8 months ago

@gretel Need to be a maintainer though. Although I guess could have on my fork. Ah well, it's 2 commands to run manually anyway.

gretel commented 8 months ago

@gretel Need to be a maintainer though. Although I guess could have on my fork. Ah well, it's 2 commands to run manually anyway.

oh sorry, nothing i can do about that.

zaziboo commented 7 months ago @diRk262 here's all current builds (from this branch current state). Most untested, include <disclaimer.h>, etc, I tested on kr4 and emisar-2ch but no real reason I can think of it'd break on any weird configs.

Thank you for this.

But in the TS11, it broke batt check when using the aux. Main and green channels can still blink the voltage but the rest of the colors just remain solid. I also have a TS25 if you need me to test on it.

SiteRelEnby commented 7 months ago @diRk262 here's all current builds (from this branch current state). Most untested, include <disclaimer.h>, etc, I tested on kr4 and emisar-2ch but no real reason I can think of it'd break on any weird configs.

Thank you for this.

But in the TS11, it broke batt check when using the aux. Main and green channels can still blink the voltage but the rest of the colors just remain solid. I also have a TS25 if you need me to test on it.

Sorry, missed this comment. I'll take a look.

There's no fundamental config differences between the TS11 and TS25 that would matter.

SiteRelEnby commented 7 months ago

@zaziboo should be fixed now.

zaziboo commented 7 months ago

Awesome! Thank you.

But, unfortunately, I have no way to build hex's for now. Any chance you have the updated fixes hosted somewhere?

SiteRelEnby commented 4 months ago

@zaziboo sorry, missed your comment. Just rebased it on the the latest changes, here's a zip if you want to test.