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Anduril 2 Flashlight Firmware and FSM UI Toolkit
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Add a third turbo style, similar to 2 but allowing 2C to ceiling then immediately again to turbo #38

Open SiteRelEnby opened 6 months ago

SiteRelEnby commented 6 months ago

Credit to PetToilet

zaziboo commented 5 months ago

I've been running this version in a few lights; D1K(SBT90), DT8K (W2+SST20s), D4V2 (W2s). I'm noticing some random lockups in turbo after a 2C from ceiling. A 2C from turbo doesn't do anything (normally it brings the light back to whatever level prior to ceiling.) Only a 1C works, which turns the light off.

I notice this happening when turbo is running for a few seconds. Not sure if code or hardware (due to heat?) issue but thought of just reporting it. Currently, trying to replicate this in the KR4 and KR1s that I have.

SniperInTheRye commented 5 months ago

Hi zaziboo,

Thanks for your testing results! Curiously, do you have any lights that aren't Noctigon/Emisar to see if the same issue occurs, perhaps Wurkkos?


SiteRelEnby commented 5 months ago

I really doubt manufacturer affects it, it's probably a logical flaw - I didn't test it extremely extensively as I don't use this mode myself, but I'll give it another look.

zaziboo commented 5 months ago

Hi zaziboo,

Thanks for your testing results! Curiously, do you have any lights that aren't Noctigon/Emisar to see if the same issue occurs, perhaps Wurkkos?


I've got a few TS10s I can test this on (V1 & V2) as their buttons are more "2C-reliable" compared to the TS25 and SP10pros. I'll report back. Thanks both.

EpochalEngineer commented 5 months ago

I notice this happening when turbo is running for a few seconds. Not sure if code or hardware (due to heat?) issue but thought of just reporting it.

@zaziboo stepdowns from voltage and thermal limits are known behavior for affecting turbo state: they drop you below turbo and thus 2C would bring you right back to turbo. It's unrelated to this branch. These stepdowns can be basically imperceptible, thus give the appearance of nothing happening. Discussions around this are in the link above and also here. Some like this behavior to check if any stepdown has occurred. It sounds like this is the issue.

I have no problems on my SP10 Pro with similar code to this pull request other than the linked effect. If you think it is not that temperature regulation effect let me know and I'll try this branch on my SP10 Pro or Q8+

zaziboo commented 5 months ago

Ahh, interesting. Thanks for the link, now that I know what to look for maybe I can replicate it.

I've been tweaking with the switch bezels as both came slightly loose. I couldn't replicate the issue again after tightening so I thought that was the "issue."

zaziboo commented 5 months ago

Just wanted to update. Verified it's the scenario that @EpochalEngineer linked to. I managed to replicate this with the SBT90 and using a 18650 batt (instead of the 21700.) Seems like with this combo, the behavior is more apparent and easier to replicate.
