ToyKeeper / anduril

Anduril 2 Flashlight Firmware and FSM UI Toolkit
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Possibility of changing timers from "hold to add time", to "click to add time"? #48

Closed maru801 closed 5 months ago

maru801 commented 5 months ago

For both the "sunset timer" and "candle timer", would it be possible to change their behavior from a hold to add time, to instead be able to click x number of times to increase the time?

I was thinking it's weird that you have to hold to add 5 minutes per blink, when the rest of the UI relies on clicks and click-holds to add to things. I feel like it would be faster to set the timer to, lets say 1 hour, by click-holding 6 times (10 min per click-hold) like the rest of the UI. This could even be different to where a single click is 5 minutes too, so 12 clicks gets you to an hour and saves you the 8 extra seconds it would take otherwise.

SiteRelEnby commented 5 months ago

That would make any other button combinations with a hold (e.g. 9H) impossible.

maru801 commented 5 months ago

Figured. There's no possibility of this due that compatibility issue then? Should I close this issue? Btw, I didn't mean to post this as an issue, but we can't assign the "enhancement" label by ourselves.

SiteRelEnby commented 5 months ago

If there were any other ways of implementing sunset mode it'd be interesting to hear - unfortunately if 5H can be taken as something that isn't desired to change then I'm not sure what else - it would be possible to use the config menu and number entry code to make a menu on 5H where you then enter minutes as the value, I guess, but not sure if that would be broadly preferred or not.

maru801 commented 5 months ago

Ok, so looking at the following code:

Would I be fine in changing the sunset timer unit to 10? Would this mess up other things that rely on it? I assume this line only applies to sunset and candle modes only. I'll probably just end up doing this change and recompiling the hex file to flash onto my lights.

SiteRelEnby commented 5 months ago

Yeah, that would work if you wanted to build anduril for your own lights with that change.

maru801 commented 5 months ago

Thanks for your response @SiteRelEnby .

I'll go ahead and mark this as closed.