ToyKeeper / anduril

Anduril 2 Flashlight Firmware and FSM UI Toolkit
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Enable use of USE_INDICATOR_LED with a fw3x-lume1 driver #67

Open dognodding opened 5 months ago

dognodding commented 5 months ago

Swapping in a lume1 driver is a popular mod for FW3A flashlights, especially in combination with a lume AUX board.

Sometimes, a clumsy modder damages one or more of the R, G, B connector pads on the lume1 driver so that 3-colour AUX can no longer be used. Instead, such a clumsy modder would like to use the damaged lume1 driver in a single-colour AUX configuration, so as not to waste it. This should be achievable by replacing #define USE_AUX_RGB_LEDS with #define USE_INDICATOR_LED in a custom anduril.h.

However, clumsy modders weren't considered in `fsm/misc.c', so that single-colour AUX isn't considered for the ATTINY1634 MCU used on the lume1 AUX board.

This PR enables the use of USE_INDICATOR_LED with the ATTINY1634 MCU so that clumsy modders may rejoice.

Some discussion of this (including how to then use USE_INDICATOR_LED for the lume1 driver) is here: click

dognodding commented 5 months ago

Proposed change been tested to work on these two lights: click, click

SiteRelEnby commented 5 months ago

Looks good, should be something that should be included anyway, just there aren't any other t1634 lights using INDICATOR_LED, so I guess it got overlooked.