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Anduril 2 Flashlight Firmware and FSM UI Toolkit
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Flash in lockout mode with '1h' or '2h' and a low light setting #83

Closed void-spark closed 2 weeks ago

void-spark commented 3 weeks ago


I'm trying to move my Hank d4k tint ramping dual channel from old firmware (model 0136 date 2021-12-13) / anduril.2021-12-13.emisar-d4sv2-tintramp-fet.bin to the current firmware (still model 0136) / anduril.2024-04-20.hank-emisar-2ch-fet.hex

I learned a lot about the new channel modes and other new things.. :)

I tend to use lockout mode a lot, and have it set to a fairly low light level (Actually, ramps are still set to defaults). When I turn on the light (in lockout, staying in lockout, so 1H or 2H), there is a flash just at the start. I'm not sure what causes it, maybe the jump start value which seems to be a bit higher for this 2ch-fet version? Or something related to the smooth steps feature? I need to run some tests with those two, but I've been at it for much too long, need a break :)

I'm currently running this build, but the same was observed with the 'vanilla' build: This build mainly just makes blend mode the default and only enabled mode, makes things a bit simpler for a tint ramp :)

Settings currently used with this custom build (I wish these maps could be generated automatically in the build :D ): a500 010a 0a8c 8c01 0700 0000 0308 0003 0300 0000 8000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 8000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0300 0000 0000 2943 3202 072d 0029 1304 058c 1e99 28

a5 start marker 00 ramp style (0 = smooth, 1 = stepped) 01 ramp 2C style 0 = no turbo 1 = A1 style: Off 2C = ceil, On 2C = turbo 2 = A2 style: Off 2C = ceil, On 2C = ceil, Ramped ceil 2C = turbo 0a Ramp smooth floor 0a Ramp stepped floor 8c Ramp smooth ceil 8c Ramp stepped ceil 01 Ramp smooth speed 07 Ramp stepped steps 00 Ramp after moon disabled/enabled 00 manual memory level 00 manual memory timer 03 (02) channel mode (0 = 'ch1', 1 = 'ch2', 2 = 'both', 3 = 'blend', 4 = 'auto') 08 00 channel modes enabled (bitmask). default = 1f = '00001000' 03 manual memory channel mode (0 = 'ch1', 1 = 'ch2', 2 = 'both', 3 = 'blend', 4 = 'auto') 03 blink channel (0 = 'ch1', 1 = 'ch2', 2 = 'both', 3 = 'blend', 4 = 'auto') 00 channel mode arg 0 '' for 'ch1' 00 channel mode arg 1 '' for 'ch2' 00 channel mode arg 2 '' for 'both' 80 channel mode arg 3 'middle CCT' for 'blend' 00 channel mode arg 4 'warm-to-cool' for 'auto' 00 channel mode arg aux 0 00 channel mode arg aux 1 00 channel mode arg aux 2 00 channel mode arg aux 3 00 channel mode arg aux 4 00 channel mode arg aux 5 00 channel mode arg aux 6 00 manual memory channel arg 0 '' for 'ch1' 00 manual memory channel arg 1 '' for 'ch2' 00 manual memory channel arg 2 '' for 'both' 80 manual memory channel arg 3 'middle CCT' for 'blend' 00 manual memory channel arg 4 'warm-to-cool' for 'auto' 00 manual memory channel arg aux 0 00 manual memory channel arg aux 1 00 manual memory channel arg aux 2 00 manual memory channel arg aux 3 00 manual memory channel arg aux 4 00 manual memory channel arg aux 5 00 manual memory channel arg aux 6 01 smooth steps disabled/enabled 03 strobe type (0 = party, 1 = tactical, 2 = lightning, 3 = candle, 4 = bike flasher) 00 strobe channel party 00 strobe channel tactical 00 strobe channel lightning 00 strobe channel candle 00 strobe channel bike flasher 29 party strobe delay 43 tactical strobe delay 32 bike flasher brightness 02 beacon seconds 07 voltage correction 2d thermal ceiling (45C) 00 thermal calibration offset 29 rgb led off mode 13 rgb led lockout mode 00 post off voltage seconds 05 autolock time 8c tactical level 0 (140) 1e tactical level 1 (30) 99 tactical level 2 (153 = max + 3) 28 jump start level

SammysHP commented 3 weeks ago

Sounds like jump start.

void-spark commented 3 weeks ago

Sounds like jump start.

Yup, certainly seems this, increasing from the old 15 (21) to the new 28 (40) on the old firmware also gives a far more noticeable flash. The other way round on the new firmware lessens the flash, it's still more noticeable there, but I expect that might be better when I sort out some other issues I still see (tint ramping not very smooth, and on low level one channel tends to be off) :)

void-spark commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm, the less smooth ramping seems to be because the top changed, not sure why that is, gonna have to dig through commits a bit. Old tops for 0136: (Which is included in the actual 0136 file at

New tops for 0136:

void-spark commented 2 weeks ago

Closing this, as the question is answered at least :)

DurvalMenezes commented 2 weeks ago

I see this same behavior (a pre-flash when pressing 1H or 2H from lock-out) on my D3AA. Other users have reported it too.

Is this a hardware thing or a software thing? Is it somehow created or aggravated by newer Anduril versions?

I ask because neither my TS10 nor my FC13, both running older (pre-GitHub) Anduril versions, show that behavior. Haven't had the time to test either of them with the newer Anduril versions -- and I can't test the D3AA with pre-Github versions because there aren't any ;-)

TIA for clarifications.

SammysHP commented 2 weeks ago

It's not related to a specific release, but to the configuration for the flashlight model. Some drivers need jump start, others don't.

DurvalMenezes commented 2 weeks ago

I see this same behavior (a pre-flash when pressing 1H or 2H from lock-out) on my D3AA. Other users have reported it too.

Just adding more information: I also see the exact same thing when turning my D3AA on (ie, 1C from off) at the lowest moonlight (brightness level of 1, not sure if or at what level of brightness it stops happening or being perceptible).

DurvalMenezes commented 2 weeks ago

It's not related to a specific release, but to the configuration for the flashlight model. Some drivers need jump start, others don't.

The D3AA driver reportedly doesn't need it, but I (and other users) see it all the same.

Could it possibly be a bug in Anduril?

SammysHP commented 2 weeks ago

Have you tried turning it off and setting the floor to level 1?

void-spark commented 2 weeks ago

Jump start is a software setting, configurable under 9C menu, if it's enabled. But in the current version of the source (check which version your light is running though!!) I don't see jump start enabled at all for d3aa. So you might have to look elsewhere :)

DurvalMenezes commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @SammysHP and @void-spark for the tips.

Have you tried turning it off

Yep, by adding this to the bottom of my hw/hank/emisar-d3aa/anduril.h:

+//*** This flashlight reportedly needs no jump starting, so make sure it's off

And making sure it is really off where it matters, by adding this test/kludge at the relevant point of fsm/ramping.c:

      #ifdef USE_JUMP_START
      // maybe "jump start" the engine, if it's prone to slow starts
      // (pulse the output high for a moment to wake up the power regulator)
      // (only do this when starting from off and going to a low level)
      // TODO: allow different jump start behavior per channel mode
      // FIXME: don't jump-start during factory reset
      //        (it seems to cause some eeprom issues on KR4
      //         when doing a click with a loose tailcap)
+     #error SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!!!
      if ((! actual_level)
              && level
              && (level < JUMP_START_LEVEL)) {

Compiling it with .make emisar-d3aa shows no errors, so I'm reasonably sure it's indeed turned off -- and the resulting hex, when flashed to my D3AA, still shows exactly the same pre-flash behavior both at 1C from off and 1H and 2H from lockout.

and setting the floor to level 1?

Not sure what floor you mean, but in my config I keep the default settings RAMP_SMOOTH_FLOOR to 1 and RAMP_DISCRETE_FLOOR to 10. Were you referring to either of these, or something else?


neither my TS10 nor my FC13, both running older (pre-GitHub) Anduril versions, show that behavior. Haven't had the time to test either of them with the newer Anduril versions

I just tested the newest 2024-04-20 on my TS10 and I confirm it shows no pre-flash in any of the reported situations.

SammysHP commented 2 weeks ago

I just tested the newest 2024-04-20 on my TS10 and I confirm it shows no pre-flash in any of the reported situations.

Because it is not enabled for these targets.

Yep, by adding this to the bottom of my hw/hank/emisar-d3aa/anduril.h … still shows exactly the same pre-flash behavior

Then it is a hardware limitation.