ToyVo / nh_darwin

Yet another nix cli helper
European Union Public License 1.2
15 stars 3 forks source link

Name of executable is confusing #6

Closed bestlem closed 4 months ago

bestlem commented 4 months ago

As the nh here is a fork of the original and does some extra things I think it might be useful to rename the executable as say nh-darwin as it will not be merged into the original.

As an example of issues see

ToyVo commented 4 months ago

I wasn't nessisarily wanting to rename to nh-darwin for 2 reasons.

This can be side stepped by adding an alias to nh though.

I have also been mulling over nih or some other 3 letter name but it's whatever honestly

ToyVo commented 4 months ago

I have now renamed to nh-darwin. I have not added a module option to add an alias, you'll have to do that yourself. Additionally the default darwin module is now designed for after the nix-darwin PR is merged, for before hand if you want my version of the module you can use prebuiltin module instead of the default one