TpdeaX / BetterPause-Geode

betterPause ported to geode, from there you will receive updates.
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(Android64) Touch Input Bug #28

Open HotKentang opened 2 months ago

HotKentang commented 2 months ago

Apologise for posting issues twice but this bug is quite worrying to just be ignored I think. If you enable the comment button on your pause menu and click & open it. After leaving the comment page, you cannot input your touch inside the red area that I had drawn, & nope you cannot resume playing your level.


Luckily I have known the issue first so I won't be opening up the comment button in my pause menu while playing a longg platformer demon, but to those who aren't unaware of this. It's gonna be a bad experience if they accidentally stumbled upon this bug.

TpdeaX commented 2 months ago

That's weird, in my case that doesn't happen. I think it might be because of BetterInfo, but it's more likely to be because of me :c

HotKentang commented 2 months ago

That's weird, in my case that doesn't happen. I think it might be because of BetterInfo, but it's more likely to be because of me :c

I disabled all of the mods that I had used including BetterInfo and excluding the node id & backup mod to test whose mod to causing this bug. And yet, the bug still exists. Soo yeah the bug is from BP (BetterPause) itself I guess.

TpdeaX commented 2 months ago

Update: it turns out it was partially BetterInfo after all. I've been helped to fix it now, I hope the solution is universal. 🌵

HotKentang commented 2 months ago

Update: it turns out it was partially BetterInfo after all. I've been helped to fix it now, I hope the solution is universal. 🌵

Yoo nice thx