TqLxQuanZ / DeceasedCraft

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[PARTIAL FIX FOUND] Oculus Flywheel Compat breaks Create rendering with complementary shaders #139

Open TheRealGramdalf opened 2 months ago

TheRealGramdalf commented 2 months ago

Using deceased craft v5.5.5, with a complete stock installation (no settings changed apart from enabling complimentary shaders, fresh world, no additional mods installed), enabling Complementary Shaders and activating a create contraption (in this case a mechanical bearing, a creative motor, and a polished granite block) causes the contraption to become completely invisible.

Disabling the flywheel backend (/flywheel backend off) makes the contraption visible again, but causes some artefacting which I suspect is related to entity culling (it primarily happens when said contraption is out of the players FOV, which was quite noticeable with a 5x5 create elevator). Disabling Oculus Flywheel compat (rename *.jar to *.jar.disabled, done via PrismLauncher) fixes the issue - the instancing backend can still be used (verified with /flywheel backend, which prints the current backend in use) which has noticeably better performance (as expected), and as of yet no visual artefacting.

The Fix:

As of right now, there seems to be no downside to simply disabling Oculus Flywheel compat. If you previously disabled the flywheel backend, remember to run /flywheel backend instancing to take advantage of the performance gains.

Technical info

[01:59:13] [Thread-58/INFO] [mojang/GlDebug]: OpenGL debug message: id=2, source=API, type=ERROR, severity=HIGH,

Tech Specs:

          ▗▄▄▄       ▗▄▄▄▄    ▄▄▄▖            gramdalf@aerwiar 
          ▜███▙       ▜███▙  ▟███▛            ---------------- 
           ▜███▙       ▜███▙▟███▛             OS: NixOS 24.11.20240727.b73c222 (Vicuna) x86_64 
            ▜███▙       ▜██████▛              Host: Framework 16 
     ▟█████████████████▙ ▜████▛     ▟▙        Kernel: 6.8.12 
    ▟███████████████████▙ ▜███▙    ▟██▙       Uptime: 3 days, 1 hour, 24 mins 
           ▄▄▄▄▖           ▜███▙  ▟███▛       Packages: 896 (nix-system), 2250 (nix-user) 
          ▟███▛             ▜██▛ ▟███▛        Shell: nu 0.95.0 
         ▟███▛               ▜▛ ▟███▛         Resolution: 2560x1600, 2560x1600 
▟███████████▛                  ▟██████████▙   DE: Hyprland (Wayland) 
▜██████████▛                  ▟███████████▛   Theme: catppuccin-mocha-mauve-standard [GTK2/3] 
      ▟███▛ ▟▙               ▟███▛            Icons: Papirus-Dark [GTK2/3] 
     ▟███▛ ▟██▙             ▟███▛             Terminal: foot 
    ▟███▛  ▜███▙           ▝▀▀▀▀              CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS w/ Radeon 780M Graphics (16) @ 5.608GHz 
    ▜██▛    ▜███▙ ▜██████████████████▛        GPU: AMD ATI Phoenix1 
     ▜▛     ▟████▙ ▜████████████████▛         GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 7700S/7600/7600S/7600M XT/PRO W7600 
           ▟██████▙       ▜███▙               Memory: 8610MiB / 15295MiB 
          ▟███▛▜███▙       ▜███▙
         ▟███▛  ▜███▙       ▜███▙                                     
         ▝▀▀▀    ▀▀▀▀▘       ▀▀▀▘                                     

Version details:

Broken modpack zip (in PrismLauncher or curseforge format) available if needed :)

TheRealGramdalf commented 2 months ago

Update: After playing a bit more, it turns out the graphical artefacts are still present after disabling Oculus Flywheel Compat. I again believe it may be due to entity culling, but I'm not entirely sure.