TqLxQuanZ / DeceasedCraft

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Pufferfish skills configuration not loading #80

Closed big-poppy closed 2 months ago

big-poppy commented 2 months ago

An issue I noticed that I haven't before is my game not loading pufferfish's skills. It seems has to be some sort of issue with the configuration file. I attached the log below, let me know if there is anything else I can provide that might help!


TqLxQuanZ commented 2 months ago

did you just remove zombie mobs for no reason? please do not never, ever remove any mod from the modpack since it breaks stuff.

big-poppy commented 2 months ago

No I did not remove that mod, was it missing for some reason? The only mod I disabled was physics mod because my PC would not load the pack with that mod loaded. As for the "Zombie Mobs" mod, I did not remove that, but I'll add it back in and see how that fixes things.

TqLxQuanZ commented 2 months ago

From the log it says load failure for zombie mobs, so I assume it's the mod got removed for some reason or the loading failed, maybe you can try a clean reinstall of the modpack and move your world over.

big-poppy commented 2 months ago

Yeah, just added the mod in and it works great! I am playing on the Prism Launcher and I have since learned that it does not register certain mods as having version specific downloads, Nocube's Zombie Mobs being one of them. Appreciate the help!