Traben-0 / Entity_Model_Features

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[Bug - models] ImmediatelyFast and iris are causing invisible and broken models #189

Open rainbowflesh opened 3 months ago

rainbowflesh commented 3 months ago


ImmediatelyFast bug


iris bug



Other custom model rending correctly but default model broken, weird. img

rending normally in setting page when using iris or ImmediatelyFast or both


Expect behavior


testing specs

Additional context

Not only the "texture file is in custom directory" which mentioned in #167, CMMRP's chicken mob are invisible either, but render normally in EMF's config page.

ps: screenshot wasn't shot during my test, plz ignore my lovely left hand.

Viperpng commented 2 months ago

This occurs for me as well.

Poopooracoocoo commented 2 months ago

I am also able to reproduce this issue. A resource pack containing a trident.jem with a custom texture directory, and Iris or ImmediatelyFast results in invisible tridents in first person.

This issue is not present when Iris and ImmediatelyFast are not present.

This issue is not present when the texture is unspecified in the trident.jem, and the trident.png texture file is in the default directory (assets/minecraft/textures/entity/). This workaround is best because it works even with Iris and ImmediatelyFast.