Tracardi / tracardi-gui

Tracardi ReactJs Graphical User Interface
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ISSUE #235 - feat: DaysPassed component that counts days passed from a given date #236

Closed chaaals closed 1 year ago

chaaals commented 1 year ago

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Pull Request title

Pull request title (#235)

Pull Request description

I Implemented a component that counts the days passed. Here is the preview of the component and the helper function: image

I haven't tested out the component yet cause I have bad luck in setting up docker (WSL issue) but I am confident that the component should work since its only rendering the output of the helper fn.

Here is an example output of calcDaysPassed fn: image

This should display the number of hours or minutes if it hasn't been a day. If it's been a day, it should render the day/days and hour/hours.

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CLAassistant commented 1 year ago

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atompie commented 1 year ago

@chaaals Let me test it and if everything works I will merge it. BTW you do not need the docker to test a component as it does not connect to API. You may place it int the src/components/pages/TryOut.js and see if it works bu typing http://localhost:3000/TryOut

chaaals commented 1 year ago

Hi I made a quick test and found that it works for the passed dates but not for the future. It is my mistake that I have not clearly described that it should work for future dates to. I mean for the past days it prints like -1d 20h but for the future +2d 24h.

Could you make it to work for future days to?

yah sure! I'll make the changes 😊

chaaals commented 1 year ago

Hi I made a quick test and found that it works for the passed dates but not for the future. It is my mistake that I have not clearly described that it should work for future dates to. I mean for the past days it prints like -1d 20h but for the future +2d 24h.

Could you make it to work for future days to?

Hey @atompie ! I just implemented the requested changes, I hope I understood it correctly.

Here is an example use-case of the new function:

atompie commented 1 year ago

Hi @chaaals.

I have made a simple change to the code so I can test it:

  return (
      passed {daysPassed.inPresent}, will happen {daysPassed.inFuture}

When I do <DaysPassed date="2022-10-10 10:00:00"/> I get:

passed 4 days 1 hour, will happen 5 days 1 hour

The passed part is correct it passed 4 days 1 hour from 2022-10-14 11:00:00 when I am doing the test.

But the part will happen 5 days 1 hour is incorrect. I would expect it to be 0 days because the date 2022-10-10 10:00:00 already passed

And another example:

<DaysPassed date="2022-10-15 10:00:00"/>

I would expect the following result:

passed 0 days will happen in 0day 23 hours -

I got:

passed 1 hour will happen 1 hour

I think you should discover in the code if the defined date is before or after current time. And then calculate the difference.

BTW. I think that the name I proposed for the plugin may be confusing. It is more like a TimeDifference then a DaysPassed.

What we would like to achieve is a component that we could place next to a date for example for the current time 2022-10-14 11:00:00 have:

2022-10-15 11:00:00 (+1 day to be triggered)


2022-10-10 09:00:00 (triggered -4 days 1 hour)

chaaals commented 1 year ago

Hi @chaaals.

I have made a simple change to the code so I can test it:

  return (
      passed {daysPassed.inPresent}, will happen {daysPassed.inFuture}

When I do <DaysPassed date="2022-10-10 10:00:00"/> I get:

passed 4 days 1 hour, will happen 5 days 1 hour

The passed part is correct it passed 4 days 1 hour from 2022-10-14 11:00:00 when I am doing the test.

But the part will happen 5 days 1 hour is incorrect. I would expect it to be 0 days because the date 2022-10-10 10:00:00 already passed

And another example:

<DaysPassed date="2022-10-15 10:00:00"/>

I would expect the following result:

passed 0 days will happen in 0day 23 hours -

I got:

passed 1 hour will happen 1 hour

I think you should discover in the code if the defined date is before or after current time. And then calculate the difference.

BTW. I think that the name I proposed for the plugin may be confusing. It is more like a TimeDifference then a DaysPassed.

What we would like to achieve is a component that we could place next to a date for example for the current time 2022-10-14 11:00:00 have:

2022-10-15 11:00:00 (+1 day to be triggered)


2022-10-10 09:00:00 (triggered -4 days 1 hour)

thank you for this! I think I get it now!

chaaals commented 1 year ago

Hey @atompie , I hope I got everything right this time! 😊. I just pushed a recent commit with the following changes:

Thank you so much for the patience and detailed explanation earlier 😊.

atompie commented 1 year ago

@chaaals Everything looks great. Merging.

atompie commented 1 year ago

@chaaals If you would like to contribute with another task we have one waiting to be done here: I thought you could be interested.

chaaals commented 1 year ago

@chaaals If you would like to contribute with another task we have one waiting to be done here: #203. I thought you could be interested.

I'll check it out if its something that I can do 😊. I'll leave a comment on the issue if I am up for the task!