RedisSyncer是一个多任务的redis数据同步工具,可灵活的满足Redis间的数据同步、迁移需求; redissyncer is a redis synchronization tool, used in redis single instance and cluster synchronization
Input 'help;' for usage.
Command must end with ';'.
'tab' for command complete.
^C or exit to quit.
redissyncer-cli> task create source ./createtask.json;
"code": "5000",
"msg": "系统出错,请联系管理员"
不管是用web管理页面 还是cli工具 创建任务都失败了 但是从异常看不出哪里不对
ExceptionAdvice#TaskMsgException:152 | Malformed escape pair at index 42: redis://
[root@host-192-168-2-209 redissyncer-cli]# cat createtask.json { "dbNum":{ "0":"0" }, "sourcePassword":"ZL%pt&20", "sourceRedisAddress":"", "targetRedisAddress":"", "targetPassword":"ZL%pt&20", "targetRedisVersion":3.2, "taskName":"testtask", "autostart":true, "afresh":true, "batchSize":100 } [root@host-192-168-2-209 redissyncer-cli]# ./redissyncer-cli -i
/ _ _/ ()___/ / ____ ____ / () / // / \/ / / /_ \/ / / / \/ / _ \/ _/___/ / / / / , _/ _/ // / ( )/ / // / / / / // / / /___/ // / /
// ||_/_,/////_, // //_/_/_/ _///
Input 'help;' for usage. Command must end with ';'. 'tab' for command complete. ^C or exit to quit. redissyncer-cli> task create source ./createtask.json;
{ "code": "5000", "msg": "系统出错,请联系管理员" }
不管是用web管理页面 还是cli工具 创建任务都失败了 但是从异常看不出哪里不对
日志显示 ExceptionAdvice#TaskMsgException:152 | Malformed escape pair at index 42: redis://