Traceton / react-ecommerce

A basic app to showcase my React js skills.
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Rest api not working. #15

Closed Traceton closed 3 years ago

Traceton commented 3 years ago

node js rest api is not completely working. the inventory items, and users routes both will not properly load photos.

attempted to follow the below link, which should bring up a profile picture(is in the database), but get a heroku error. ""

Traceton commented 3 years ago

react-store-node-api is very slow, even running on my local machine, specifically for images.

Traceton commented 3 years ago

implemented a max file size of 110001000. If the images are below the max file size, they now load much quicker, But if they are above the size, they cannot save. Either the image needs to be resized first, or fix this bad performance some other way.

Traceton commented 3 years ago

closing to open a new issue.