TraceyLauriault / COMS2200A

COMS2200A Big Data Society - Crowdsourcing
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Points removed #22

Open EikeBaur opened 6 years ago

EikeBaur commented 6 years ago

Hello all,

I just took the screenshot of my edits for next weeks assignment, and doing so, I noticed that apparently some of them were removed: I had done roughly 25 (20 of which I picked for the past assignments), but now there seem to be only 14 left. I paid attention to not make nonsensical edits and to position them correctly etc., but I guess there was still something wrong with some of them.

Since I did not get any notification, it is almost impossible to find out which were removed and, more importantly, why. What should I do? I don't want to walk around taking more pictures/making more edits that might then get removed again...

Best regards,


DenisCarriere commented 6 years ago

As for photos being removed, unsure why this would happen unless there's clearly a mistake in the photos. For example, photos which are pointing to the ground would be removed. If you were careful by taking your photos there should be no reason why they would be removed.


@EikeBaur What's your Mapillary username?

Your photos might have been grouped together, when you go to your Profile > Uploads you should see all the sequences, maybe there's 5 photos inside one sequence.

For more help, send a print screen of your Profile Uploads section.

EikeBaur commented 6 years ago

Hi Denis, thank you for your fast response! I was not talking about the photos on Mapillary - as far as I can see, they're still all there, and I took way more photos than I ended up linking to OSM.

I meant the nodes that I added in OSM and linked to (some of) these photos. That's what we're supposed to take a screenshot of for the assignment, right?

EikeBaur commented 6 years ago

These are the screenshots I've taken for the assignment, but as I said, they only contain 14 of my previously 20+ nodes...

all_edits highlight

EikeBaur commented 6 years ago

Sorry: My OSM and Mapillary username is "indence".

DenisCarriere commented 6 years ago

Due to the local OSM community attempting to clean up some of the mistakes, there might of been some of your features that got merged since they were possibly duplicate features.

I would suggest reading the Common Mistakes that was posted here: and continue editing the remaining 6 features.

DenisCarriere commented 6 years ago

Actually, my mistake, there might still be your 20 features, however the Turbo Overpass query will only verify the last person who edited the features. If you provide your 20 Mapillary keys, you might be able to see them in the data results.

You can use mapillary=* as the query in Overpass to find all the tags using mapillary.

Then click on the data tab to see all the results, which you will then be able to find your 20 mapillary keys.

CC: @steveletts Make sure you take note of this when looking up the OSM/Mapillary features.


EikeBaur commented 6 years ago

OK, thank you. But this way, I won't end up with a map with just my 20 nodes on it, as is required for the assignment. What can I do about that`?

DenisCarriere commented 6 years ago

Well you're 20 Mapillary keys that you provided will still be in OSM as tagged features, the TA will simply need to lookup those 20 keys using the data created from Overpass.

If you've tagged OSM features using the Mapillary key, I am sure the TA will be able to find it, even though it only shows 14/20 features.

Provide 20 Mapillary keys for the assignment, that's the most important part.

james2432 commented 6 years ago

or could just look at osm users changesets...and see that there's 20+ edits with mapillary tagged, I've deleted a lot of duplicate features/merged with others as they already existed. I've repositionned a lot of them. I've also transferred keys to new features as they were not properly tagged

EikeBaur commented 6 years ago

@james2432: Do you mean that you had to correct a lot my edits specifically or just generally a lot of the ones made for this class? If you're referring to mine, I'd love to hear what I could have done better - I tried not to make messy edits. Feel free to DM me about this!

james2432 commented 6 years ago

In general, not just you. There were a lot of duplicate benches/waste baskets(cigarette disposal) As I've said I've tried to keep the mapillary tag on any existing item or copied it over to a new object

james2432 commented 6 years ago

example(not me that cleaned it up): was deleted because it was a duplicate here too:

james2432 commented 6 years ago You can still find all your edits/objects here. Then click on the changset, at the bottom it will list the items. If you click on the object it will tell you if it still exists or not(if someone else edited it and the changeset comment says deleting duplicates/etc vs your comment, it means it was deleted)

EikeBaur commented 6 years ago

OK, I got curious and checked my 20 nodes. Turns out 5 were actually deleted, 3 of those in favor of duplicate nodes that were created after my original ones in the exact same places - please note @DenisCarriere / TA when grading this (I can provide you with the original and "mirrored" node IDs).

Of the remaing two nodes, one was a bikestand merged into another one right next to it (both created by me), but the last one I can't really make sense of: It's node 5136258511, a "leisure=pitch" that is actually there (see mapillary photo). Can @james2432 tell me what could have been wrong with it?

Sorry if this seems overly meticolous, but as I said, I got curious and would like to understand how this works ;).

james2432 commented 6 years ago

@EikeBaur I don't think it's malicious on the editor's part. It was merged with: It existed as well as yours. With this many issues we don't always have the time to tell which one tagged it first or not.

EikeBaur commented 6 years ago

Ah, thanks, missed that one because my Mapillary key didn't get copied over. This node again is younger than my original one, btw, but of course I don't think it's malicious by the editor. I completely understand why they just merge them and don't always check who was "there first".

But I do think that some people in the class payed too little attention when creating their nodes. I don't think they intentionally copied mine, but they still should have checked if what they add is actually already on the map.

And now I'll leave it at that ;).