TraceyLauriault / COMS2200A

COMS2200A Big Data Society - Crowdsourcing
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Overpass-Turbo #28

Open malindaaiello opened 6 years ago

malindaaiello commented 6 years ago

Issue Template

When I input my user in overpass turbo to view my metadata nothing shows up. I don't understand why as I have uploaded and saved my edits in OSM with my 20 Mapillary key.

DenisCarriere commented 6 years ago

Can you take a print screen of your Turbo Overpass query or provide your OSM username, I can check if it works on my side.

malindaaiello commented 6 years ago

For sure! My OMS user name is malindaaiello. I'm not too sure how to insert a photo, I hope my screenshot appears below. Thank you, Malinda


DenisCarriere commented 6 years ago

@malindaaiello Everything looks fine, except you need to be zoomed into Carleton University, notice you're map on the right is grey/blank.

Try zooming out and then zoom back to Ottawa, or use the Search tool.

It should look something like this:

Click the following link for the query I made:


DenisCarriere commented 6 years ago

@malindaaiello I've been able to find 22 features which is 100% for this part of the assignment, great job 👍

malindaaiello commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much for your help Denis!

DenisCarriere commented 6 years ago
