TrackerNetwork / TRN.Developers

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[Division API] Several Unpopulated fields on API. #20

Closed SquatchHunter closed 4 years ago

SquatchHunter commented 4 years ago

The following "values" are null according to the API when I know I should have a stat in all these fields; killsRoleElite, killsFactionDzEndgame, killsRoleDzNamed, killsWeaponMounted (They show up on the actual site just not in the API - also some values appear in the API that are null on the site so that's interesting [as per #2 ])

I have also noticed a field I would love to be populated but currently isn't and that is the socialAccounts field as this allows for some level of data validation within a Discord Bot - what's the deal with that? Do I need to be verified?

Update: 11/06/2020 TheTrackerNetwork to my knowledge has reached out and attempted to resolve these issues with Ubisoft however Ubisoft has gone dark and not responded, as for the "socialAccounts" field, there are plans in motion to make this a useful resource across the several APIs that support it. I will do one last update to this issue when the issue is fully resolved, however for now I am gonna mark this closed as some of my questions were answered (Issue 2 will remain open for reference and further details on that specific issue).

Thanks, Squatch_ Community Support & Discord Mod for TheTrackerNetwork