TracksApp / tracks

Tracks is a GTD™ web application, built with Ruby on Rails
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Task vs. Todo vs. Action #1756

Open C-Otto opened 9 years ago

C-Otto commented 9 years ago

Inside the tracks project the terms task and todo seem to be used interchangeably. There is "Add action", "Repeating Todos", and the website mentions "Starred tasks". I'd like to work around this confusion.

dnrce commented 9 years ago

There is also mixed usage of "recurring" vs "repeating".

C-Otto commented 9 years ago

That was my impression, too - but do you have a concrete example for that?

dnrce commented 9 years ago

Sure -- the navigation menu is "Organize > Repeating todos" but the resulting page title is "Recurring todos".

C-Otto commented 9 years ago

The URL fragment is "recurring_todos", so I'd like to rename "repeating" to "recurring" and both "task" and "action" to "todo". Is that something you're OK with?

dnrce commented 9 years ago

Yep -- recurring should be the standard.

C-Otto commented 9 years ago

Pull request #1758 is the first part of this, dealing with "recurring" vs. "repeating".

lrbalt commented 9 years ago

I've commented on recurring vs. repeating. I'd prefer action over todo / task because it is closer to the terminology of David Allen.