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webview - crash when viewing local server content? #8

Closed rorywalsh closed 1 year ago

rorywalsh commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to display some content running on a local server (via python http>server, or VSCode's liver-server extensions). The html couldn't be simpler:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script src=""></script>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
       function setup(){

It runs fine in all of the browsers I've installed, but it causes an exception with choc_WebView.h here:


I'm just using the demo code with navigate() instead of setHTML() Any ideas? I'm well out of my depth here. Am I correct in assuming that if it runs in Edge it should run fine?

[edit] It seems that it might be something unique to p5js that causes this problem. If I try with another js library, it works fine. I'd still love to know if it could be resolved...

julianstorer commented 1 year ago

Hmm - we just had a go at recreating this and couldn't get it to fail.

a) Does the unmodified choc test app also crash? b) Does it crash if you navigate to a normal site, e.g. c) Exactly what have you modified in your code? It kind of looks like a dangling pointer error, so perhaps you've accidentally deleted the webview somehow...?

rorywalsh commented 1 year ago

a) Does the unmodified choc test app also crash?

Not, it works fine.

b) Does it crash if you navigate to a normal site, e.g.

No, all good there:

c) Exactly what have you modified in your code? It kind of looks like a dangling pointer error, so perhaps you've accidentally deleted the webview somehow...?

static int openDemoWebViewWindow()
    choc::ui::setWindowsDPIAwareness(); // For Windows, we need to tell the OS we're high-DPI-aware

    choc::ui::DesktopWindow window ({ 100, 100, 800, 600 });

    window.setWindowTitle ("Hello");
    window.setResizable (true);
    window.setMinimumSize (300, 300);
    window.setMaximumSize (1500, 1200);
    window.windowClosed = [] { choc::messageloop::stop(); };

    choc::ui::WebView webview;

    window.setContent (webview.getViewHandle());

    // webview.bind ("eventCallbackFn", [] (const choc::value::ValueView& args) -> choc::value::Value
    // {
    //     auto message = "eventCallbackFn() called with args: " + choc::json::toString (args);

    //     // This just shows how to invoke an async callback
    //     choc::messageloop::postMessage ([message]
    //     {
    //         std::cout << "WebView callback message: " << message << std::endl;
    //     });

    //     return choc::value::createString (message);
    // });

    // webview.bind ("loadCHOCWebsite", [&webview] (const choc::value::ValueView&) -> choc::value::Value
    // {
    //     webview.navigate ("");
    //     return {};
    // });

    // webview.setHTML (R"xxx(
    //   <!DOCTYPE html> <html>
    //     <head> <title>Page Title</title> </head>
    //     <script>
    //       var eventCounter = 0;

    //       // invokes a call to eventCallbackFn() and displays the return value
    //       function sendEvent()
    //       {
    //         // When you invoke a function, it returns a Promise object
    //         eventCallbackFn({ counter: ++eventCounter }, "Hello World")
    //           .then ((result) => { document.getElementById ("eventResultDisplay").innerText = result; });
    //       }
    //     </script>

    //     <body>
    //       <h1>CHOC WebView Demo</h1>
    //       <p>This is a demo of a choc::webview::WebView window</p>
    //       <p><button onclick="sendEvent()">Click to invoke an event callback</button></p>
    //       <p><button onclick="loadCHOCWebsite()">Click to visit the CHOC github repo</button></p>
    //       <p id="eventResultDisplay"></p>
    //     </body>
    //   </html>
    // )xxx");

    return 0;

I'm trying various other js libraries and they seem to work fine. It's very odd..

julianstorer commented 1 year ago

Pretty sure we've fixed this, so going to close the issue - thanks for reporting, and let us know if you spot any other oddities!

rorywalsh commented 1 year ago

Nice one. 👍