TradeMe / PlayMe

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Spotify API Authorisation? #30

Open jimeney opened 8 years ago

jimeney commented 8 years ago

Does the IIS server need to be hosted publicly (for Spotify to authenticate the web service)? I have followed the prerequisite checks, however any search yields no results. In the logs, I can see the following: Mongo is running IIS has been set up appropriately The PlayMe application has been started 'as administrator'

Log exerpt: Creating Spotify Session Logging into Spotify with username 'xxx' Dequeuing next track Asking AutoPlay for next track

Then ...Interfaces.ICallbackClient|QueueChanged failed with exception The remote server returned an unexpected response: (405) Method not Allowed

This looks as though it might be related to the App not being authorised against my spotify account?

fordprefect480 commented 8 years ago

Hi! Your log indicates that it is logging into Spotify fine so that's something. Can you step through and find out more about which call it was making and the URL at the time it failed? From the log it's hard to tell whether it is failing to request a track from Spotify or if it can't find Mongo.

jimeney commented 8 years ago

Thank you for coming back to me. I'll drop everything into Visual Studio and see what I can find, however... In the console application for the server, I can see the search query being processed In the Mongo console session, I can see the connection being accepted and ended around 200 msec later. Does that look normal? I can see a PlayMe data and log file in the mongo data folder too.

fordprefect480 commented 8 years ago

Looking into it further, if it's the ICallbackClient failing when QueueChanged that means the server has finished a track and moving to the next one. Then the server tries to tell the website to refresh the queue elements on the page to reflect the new queue, and it's this callback that is failing.

Check that the config settings for the SpotifyCallbackService are correct in Server/app.config. Also check that your permissions for the Site and its /Services dir are set as per the setup instructions. A StackOverflow post also mentioned a few things worth trying, including enabling some windows features.