Tradeshop / TradeShop

Unique, new, powerful Minecraft TradeShop plugin!
Apache License 2.0
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Config Creation causes issues #145

Closed BoyStijn closed 1 year ago

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

Expected behavior

The config creates itself and gets loaded without issue

Observed/Actual behavior

some pre-comments aren't properly commented out

Steps/models to reproduce

run the latest dev version

Plugin list

TradeShop EssentialsX

TradeShop version and Minecraft version (CraftBukkit/Spigot/Paper/...)

1.19.2 TradeShop-2.6.0-DEV-2022-11-25T03.51.47



adding a space after \n in the language file fixes the issue

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

After fixing the config the following error appeared when trying to finalize a shop

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack.getType()" because the return value of "org.shanerx.tradeshop.item.ShopItemStack.getItemStack()" is null at$fixSide$9( ~[TradeShop-2.6.0-DEV-2022-11-25T03.51.47.jar:?] at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( ~[?:?] at ~[TradeShop-2.6.0-DEV-2022-11-25T03.51.47.jar:?] at ~[TradeShop-2.6.0-DEV-2022-11-25T03.51.47.jar:?] at ~[TradeShop-2.6.0-DEV-2022-11-25T03.51.47.jar:?] at ~[TradeShop-2.6.0-DEV-2022-11-25T03.51.47.jar:?] at ~[TradeShop-2.6.0-DEV-2022-11-25T03.51.47.jar:?] at ~[TradeShop-2.6.0-DEV-2022-11-25T03.51.47.jar:?] at ~[TradeShop-2.6.0-DEV-2022-11-25T03.51.47.jar:?]

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

above issue can be fixed by adding unloadData(); on all ShopItemStack changes and creation (ItemStack wasn't being serialized)

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

Also userEditableKey contains a captital E, but the methods getMapped... use .toLowerCase() so it can never retrieve if a value is user editable

KillerOfPie commented 1 year ago

Can you send me the config file with errors so I can try to find why those comments aren't appearing. Adding here or send on discord is fine.

KillerOfPie commented 1 year ago

above issue can be fixed by adding unloadData(); on all ShopItemStack changes and creation (ItemStack wasn't being serialized)

I think I fixed this, added unload before serializing s it should always run wen it's needed.

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

Can you send me the config file with errors so I can try to find why those comments aren't appearing. Adding here or send on discord is fine.

No longer have the broken config but: global-options: chest-directions: pre-comment: "Directions an allowed shop can be from a sign. Multiple directions can be chained together allowing all 26 blocks surrounding a block to be checked. \nTo Chain directions just add a '+' between each one. i.e 'Back+Left' or 'Back+Left+Up' \nAllowed directions are:\n Up, Down, Left, Right, Back, Front"

Theres is no space after the \n like in the other pre-comments. this for some reason causes the parser to forget to add a # at the start of a new line

KillerOfPie commented 1 year ago

Maybe fixed, changed userEditable to user-editable

KillerOfPie commented 1 year ago

above issue can be fixed by adding unloadData(); on all ShopItemStack changes and creation (ItemStack wasn't being serialized)

I think I fixed this, added unload before serializing s it should always run wen it's needed.

Maybe you did locally but its not in the public build

itll be up once im done with all the fixes

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

above issue can be fixed by adding unloadData(); on all ShopItemStack changes and creation (ItemStack wasn't being serialized)

I think I fixed this, added unload before serializing s it should always run wen it's needed.

Maybe you did locally but its not in the public build

itll be up once im done with all the fixes

misread that. My bad

KillerOfPie commented 1 year ago

Got them all updated, going to change the jar on the last dev release. You'll probably need to regenerate the config files. If there re still uncommented lines then send me the file before you make changes to it.

KillerOfPie commented 1 year ago


BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

serialize() never gets called so it still doesn't serialize itemstacks

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

adding it here: public ShopItemStack(ItemStack itemStack, HashMap<ShopItemStackSettingKeys, ObjectHolder<?>> itemSettings) { this.itemStack = itemStack; this.itemSettings = itemSettings; buildMap(); } Seems to work

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

you also missed the userEditableKey in ShopSettingKeys

KillerOfPie commented 1 year ago

serialize() never gets called so it still doesn't serialize itemstacks

Serialize should be called by gson when this object is stored in another object being serialized. @SparklingComet Correct me if im wrong on that.

adding it here: public ShopItemStack(ItemStack itemStack, HashMap<ShopItemStackSettingKeys, ObjectHolder<?>> itemSettings) { this.itemStack = itemStack; this.itemSettings = itemSettings; buildMap(); } Seems to work

Not sure what you mean by that seeming to work?

Edit: Never mind I see what you're saying. gonna look again

you also missed the userEditableKey in ShopSettingKeys

I had them both open too....fixed now

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

image IntelliJ cant find any usage and the item doesn't get serialized

Not sure what you mean by that seeming to work?

i mean putting unloadData() at the end of the constructor serializes the item properly

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

public static class Serializer implements JsonDeserializer<MutableComponent>, JsonSerializer<Component> { This is how minecraft does custom serialization

KillerOfPie commented 1 year ago

image IntelliJ cant find any usage and the item doesn't get serialized

Not sure what you mean by that seeming to work?

i mean putting unloadData() at the end of the constructor serializes the item properly

Yea that's normal. We don't reference serialize, its something that GSON calls on objects it's serializing.

It does but it's unnecessary until the object is getting stored, making it a waste of resource(shouldn't be a noticeable amount so im going to do it anyways, but not my preferred method of doing it).

public static class Serializer implements JsonDeserializer<MutableComponent>, JsonSerializer<Component> { This is how minecraft does custom serialization

We don't use minecraft serialization in any cases outside of debugging and ItemStacks(starting in 2.6). We use GSON for serializing and deserializing any data we store as json.

KillerOfPie commented 1 year ago

dev release updated

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

We don't use minecraft serialization in any cases outside of debugging and ItemStacks(starting in 2.6). We use GSON for serializing and deserializing any data we store as json.

Minecraft also uses GSON. Unless GSON uses reflection to get serialization and deserialization you would have to implement the interfaces

other website also show it when making custom serialization

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

Anyway all seems to work now. Keep up the good work, the plugin is amazing

KillerOfPie commented 1 year ago

We don't use minecraft serialization in any cases outside of debugging and ItemStacks(starting in 2.6). We use GSON for serializing and deserializing any data we store as json.

Minecraft also uses GSON. Unless GSON uses reflection to get serialization and deserialization you would have to implement the interfaces

other website also show it when making custom serialization

Doesn't matter what Minecraft uses, we Serialize directly through GSON and not through Minecrafts interfaces.

Anyway all seems to work now. Keep up the good work, the plugin is amazing

Let me know if you find anything, want to release the beta asap.

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

Doesn't matter what Minecraft uses, we Serialize directly through GSON and not through Minecrafts interfaces.

so does minecraft JsonDeserializer<T> and JsonSerializer<T> are from

KillerOfPie commented 1 year ago

JsonDeserializer and JsonSerializer may be from GSON but we don't use them. We use Serializable from to mark objects and basic GSON serialization rather than making custom serializers.

Minecraft serialization is pretty inconsistent. Using ItemStack as an example, serializing the object(using its serialize method) returns a map rather than a directly readable output like JSON meaning it needs to be serialized/deserialized twice unpack(renamed unload since it isn't unloading but unpacking the ItemStack) and trying to directly (de)serialize it through GSON didn't work. Not sure why the unpack in serialize doesn't work since I know the deserialize method does.

I guess I could look at making a run through of this stuff again while we also make the changes for sql since most of the code that handles this stuff has been copied around since we started with it a couple years ago... Tis a problem for later though, as long as it works and is consistent it doesn't matter how it gets there.

Good finds and you are free to make your own pull requests if you want to fix something. Bigger changes may need discussions so we know how they work and affect other code but you're still welcome to do so.

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

Minecraft serialization is pretty inconsistent. Using ItemStack as an example, serializing the object(using its serialize method) returns a map rather than a directly readable output like JSON meaning it needs to be serialized/deserialized twice unpack(renamed unload since it isn't unloading but unpacking the ItemStack) and trying to directly (de)serialize it through GSON didn't work. Not sure why the unpack in serialize doesn't work since I know the deserialize method does.

This is because thats not minecraft serialization, but rather bukkits one. Minecraft stores most data as NBT and has custom (de)serializers for that. JSON is mainly used for parsing datapacks and chat messages

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

Just to test my theory i removed the interface as well as the (de)serialization methods from the Shop and ShopItemStack class. The saved shop data that resulted from this { "l::world::-12.0::87.0::-16.0": { "owner": { "player": "554fadce-4a58-42e7-91e9-f6bf2a02a546", "role": "OWNER" }, "managers": [], "members": [], "shopType": "TRADE", "shopLoc": { "div": "::", "worldName": "world", "x": -12.0, "y": 87.0, "z": -16.0 }, "product": [ { "itemStackB64": null, "serialItemStack": { "v": 3120.0, "type": "OAK_SIGN" }, "itemSettings": { "COMPARE_UNBREAKABLE": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_SHULKER_INVENTORY": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_DURABILITY": { "value": 1.0 }, "COMPARE_NAME": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIER": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_BOOK_AUTHOR": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_ENCHANTMENTS": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_ITEM_FLAGS": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_BOOK_PAGES": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_BUNDLE_INVENTORY": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_FIREWORK_DURATION": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_LORE": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_FIREWORK_EFFECTS": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_CUSTOM_MODEL_DATA": { "value": true } } } ], "cost": [ { "itemStackB64": null, "serialItemStack": { "v": 3120.0, "type": "CHEST" }, "itemSettings": { "COMPARE_UNBREAKABLE": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_SHULKER_INVENTORY": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_DURABILITY": { "value": 1.0 }, "COMPARE_NAME": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIER": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_BOOK_AUTHOR": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_ENCHANTMENTS": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_ITEM_FLAGS": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_BOOK_PAGES": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_BUNDLE_INVENTORY": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_FIREWORK_DURATION": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_LORE": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_FIREWORK_EFFECTS": { "value": true }, "COMPARE_CUSTOM_MODEL_DATA": { "value": true } } } ], "chestLoc": { "div": "::", "worldName": "world", "x": -12.0, "y": 87.0, "z": -15.0 }, "status": "OPEN", "shopSettings": { "NO_COST": { "value": false }, "HOPPER_EXPORT": { "value": false }, "HOPPER_IMPORT": { "value": false } }, "availableTrades": 1 } }

Is properly serialized as you can see. This is due to the fact that and the (de)serialization methods aren't used by GSON

BoyStijn commented 1 year ago

Good finds and you are free to make your own pull requests if you want to fix something

made a pull request to cleanup the unused (de)serialization methods Tested it on a clean paper server. Save Data is the same, no errors as well