Traewelldroid / traewelldroid

Android app for @Traewelling public transport check-in service
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
67 stars 8 forks source link

Release on F-Droid #36

Closed rugk closed 4 months ago

rugk commented 2 years ago

It would be great to see this Android app on F-Droid!

F-Droid is an Android app store specifically for free/libre open-source apps. It would be great if your app could be released there, as it is the number one for getting FLOSS Android apps for many people. F-Droid also builds all apps from source (optionally even reproducible), so downloads from there can be trusted.

The app developer FAQ or the quick start guide may help you to get started.

BTW a release on F-Droid could also bring some (more) popularity (in case that is intended), as it will show up in the app (new apps are featured there).

jheubuch commented 2 years ago

As this app is not released in public, it isn't planned to release this to F-Droid at the moment. In future (whenever this will be) I also want to publish Träwelldroid to F-Droid.

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Has the future arrived yet? I see the app now is in the public (you've published it on Google Play), Exodus states it's free of trackers – so it looks good! If you could make the signed APK available here in the repo (ideally attached to its release), I could immediately make it available via my repo. Apart from that I'd of course recommend bringing it to :smiley:

DRSchlaubi commented 1 year ago

We use Googles OSS license screen which currently blocks it from F-Droid iirc

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Ah, I see. Some hints here if you're looking for an alternative (and yes, this is a common issue: the "OSS" in the name off that license is quite misleading, suggesting the library itself would be F/LOSS while it only means it can detect/show OSS licenses without being libre itself)…

While it's stuck: with my repo it would be accepted still and only get the NonFreeDep anti-feature. So if you want to have it there for now, all I'd need is the APK – ideally attached to its corresponding release. Once the app made it to we can decide if I shall still keep it (usually I then remove it after a decent overlap to give people a chance to "move over").

Oh, another plus: it would be the APK signed by you, so cross-updates with the PlayStore one would work, in both directions.

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Any chance, @DRSchlaubi?

DRSchlaubi commented 1 year ago

I am not responsible for publishing so we need @der_heubi for this.

I would suggest using GH Actions to auto generate releases based on main branch activity including APK files

Cross updates probably won't work as play store uses a different signature (Google Play Signing)

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Then let's see if der_heubi can get it flying. As for cross-updates: Are you not using the same signing key? I know there was a change and Google now wants to do the signing themselves, but if I'm not mistaken it still is the developer providing that key. Unless the developer choose to let Google create the key, in which case it's unfortunately lost – which then cannot be helped anymore.

DRSchlaubi commented 1 year ago

The dev signs the aab and then google signs It again

jheubuch commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Then let's see if der_heubi can get it flying. As for cross-updates: Are you not using the same signing key? I know there was a change and Google now wants to do the signing themselves, but if I'm not mistaken it still is the developer providing that key. Unless the developer choose to let Google create the key, in which case it's unfortunately lost – which then cannot be helped anymore.

Hi, y'all. Sorry for the delay in response. At the moment, I'm fully occupied by my master's thesis on which I'm currently working on. That's why I personally don't have the time or energy at the moment for having a mind for new app store's policies, the workflows behind and so on. Also I'd not be happy with someone else hosting Träwelldroid on F-Droid in my name unless I had the time to intensively deal with F-Droid and its rules and policies. I hope I have your understanding that this can't come until I have enough energy left for dealing with F-Droid. Thank you in advance!

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

It's a pity, but I see your point. As for the policies: Your app is F/LOSS (using the AGPL), so as long as there are no proprietary elements in, all F-Droid is asking is that you're not opposed to the listing (due to the license we'd not need to ask, but we still do so to signal a friendly work-together). For my repo I'd just need the APK as I have no build system.

Just leaving this little TL;DR in the hope for a day you find time to re-consider. Until then, all the best for your thesis!

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

@jheubuch seeing there's an APK attached to the latest release: does that mean you're OK with me pulling it for my repo?

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

OK, I take this as "not being opposed" then :smile:

jheubuch commented 8 months ago


jheubuch commented 4 months ago

Since the RFP is now closed and the app should be listed in the next few days, I'm closing this now. Special thanks to @jugendhacker who did the most of work to get this done! 🤗🥳

jugendhacker commented 3 months ago

It's in the store now: (thanks to reproducible builds all users should be able to switch to it seamlessly if they want to)