The list of people traveling is always quite long, but it's pretty much useless for people in northern Germany to see who is traveling in Berlin/Munich/Frankfurt/etc.
Filters that allow filtering by the following criteria:
type of vehicle (Bus, RB, RE, IC/EC, ICE, etc.)
area (around a certain location (either manually or just last destination), or by region) in which the origin/destination of the other traveler is (optional and maybe harder to realize: also add the enroute stops of the other travelers to the filtering (so that also people only going through that area without changing trains will be shown))
Sort by distance (although it might be best to add this with the filtering all together)
Problem: The list of people traveling is always quite long, but it's pretty much useless for people in northern Germany to see who is traveling in Berlin/Munich/Frankfurt/etc.
Suggestion: Filters that allow filtering by the following criteria:
Alternative: Sort by distance (although it might be best to add this with the filtering all together)