Traewelling / traewelling

Free check-in service to log your public transit journeys
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Impossible to Check into train/select Destination #2680

Closed ChillLP closed 3 weeks ago

ChillLP commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

At around 14:30 i attempted to Check into the ICE 724 from cologne messe/ Deutz to Düsseldorf. I was able to select the train, but Not able to select a Destination, as it didnt load. I tried IT via träwelldroid at First and then via träwellings Website, which didnt Work, either. Other Trains i was able to select without issue.

Steps to reproduce

See described above. - i will Provide a Video as soon as its uploaded.

Browser console logs

No response


Opera (chomium) and Träwelldroid (via API)

ChillLP commented 3 weeks ago

marhei commented 3 weeks ago

Duplicate of #2674.

ChillLP commented 3 weeks ago


MrKrisKrisu commented 3 weeks ago

HAFAS is returning a HTTP 502 here.

    "isHafasError": true,
    "request": "{\"lang\":\"en\",\"svcReqL\":[{\"cfg\":{\"polyEnc\":\"GPA\",\"rtMode\":\"HYBRID\"},\"meth\":\"JourneyDetails\",\"req\":{\"jid\":\"2|#VN#1#ST#1717614449#PI#0#ZI#2117087#TA#0#DA#110624#1S#8000261#1T#847#LS#8000085#LT#1351#PU#80#RT#3#CA#ICE#ZE#724#ZB#ICE++724#PC#0#FR#8000261#FT#847#TO#8000085#TT#1351#\",\"name\":\"ICE 724\",\"getPolyline\":true}}],\"client\":{\"type\":\"AND\",\"id\":\"DB\",\"v\":21120000,\"name\":\"DB Navigator\"},\"ext\":\"DB.R21.12.a\",\"ver\":\"1.34\",\"auth\":{\"type\":\"AID\",\"aid\":\"n91dB8Z77MLdoR0K\"}}",
    "url": "",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "code": "PARAMETER",
    "message": "HCI Service: parameter invalid",
    "responseId": "yd4g4he82smpw48g",
    "error": true,
    "msg": "HAFAS error: HCI Service: parameter invalid"
MrKrisKrisu commented 3 weeks ago

This belongs to #2672.

MrKrisKrisu commented 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do here. We (@HerrLevin and I) have just tested everything possible.

It is not Träwelling's fault.

It is not DB-Rest's fault.

It is not the hafas-client's fault.

It is a HAFAS error - but only on some journeys.

MrKrisKrisu commented 3 weeks ago

It is not Träwelling's fault.

It was Träwelling's fault.

HerrLevin commented 3 weeks ago

Further investigation found that I'm responsible. It should all work now. (See #2681)

HerrLevin commented 3 weeks ago

It is not Träwelling's fault.

It was Träwelling's fault. #2681

Oh, you were faster. :D

ChillLP commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for the quick fix!