Traewelling / traewelling

Free check-in service to log your public transit journeys
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Departures aren't shown #2752

Open klukas144 opened 4 months ago

klukas144 commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug

The departures from my home stop between 4:15 AM and 7:00 AM (until 9:25 on Saturdays and 9:30 on Sundays) aren't shown in Träwelling (not even if you try to do this within this time while being on the tram you want to check in). The DB Navigator is indeed showing the departures (example for Monday, 15 July). Screenshot_20240709-203757 Screenshot_20240709-203353~2

Steps to reproduce

Go to Träwelling Search for departures from Karl-Wilhelm-Platz, Karlsruhe on a random work day between 5 and 7. See "no departures found"

Browser console logs



pascalwittler commented 4 months ago

I can confirm this behavior. The JSON API requests for the mentioned times result in empty departure data:

Response ```json { "disclaimer": { "message": "APIv1 is not officially released for use and is also not fully documented. Use at your own risk. Data fields may change at any time without notice.", "documentation": "https:\\/\\/\\/api\\/documentation", "changelog": "https:\\/\\/\\/Traewelling\\/traewelling\\/blob\\/develop\\/" }, "data": [], "meta": { "station": { "id": 8937, "name": "Karl-Wilhelm-Platz, Karlsruhe", "latitude": 49.011256, "longitude": 8.422937, "ibnr": 721387, "rilIdentifier": null }, "times": { "now": "2024-07-24T04:45:00.000000Z", "prev": "2024-07-24T04:30:00.000000Z", "next": "2024-07-24T05:00:00.000000Z" } } } ```
Response ```json { "disclaimer": { "message": "APIv1 is not officially released for use and is also not fully documented. Use at your own risk. Data fields may change at any time without notice.", "documentation": "https:\\/\\/\\/api\\/documentation", "changelog": "https:\\/\\/\\/Traewelling\\/traewelling\\/blob\\/develop\\/" }, "data": [ { "tripId": "2|#VN#1#ST#1720464615#PI#0#ZI#490328#TA#6#DA#240724#1S#722635#1T#646#LS#373611#LT#726#PU#80#RT#1#CA#STR#ZE#4#ZB#STR 4#PC#8#FR#722635#FT#646#TO#373611#TT#726#", "stop": { "type": "station", "id": "721387", "name": "Karl-Wilhelm-Platz, Karlsruhe", "location": { "type": "location", "id": "721387", "latitude": 49.011256, "longitude": 8.422937 }, "products": { "nationalExpress": false, "national": false, "regionalExp": false, "regional": false, "suburban": false, "bus": false, "ferry": false, "subway": false, "tram": true, "taxi": false } }, "when": "2024-07-24T07:00:00+02:00", "plannedWhen": "2024-07-24T07:00:00+02:00", "delay": null, "platform": null, "plannedPlatform": null, "prognosisType": null, "direction": "Oberreut Badeniaplatz, Karlsruhe", "provenance": null, "line": { 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false, "regional": false, "suburban": true, "bus": false, "ferry": false, "subway": false, "tram": true, "taxi": false } }, "station": { "id": 8958, "ibnr": 370401, "wikidata_id": null, "ifopt_a": "de", "ifopt_b": 8212, "ifopt_c": 401, "ifopt_d": null, "ifopt_e": null, "rilIdentifier": null, "name": "Karl-Wilhelm-Platz, Karlsruhe", "latitude": 49.011373, "longitude": 8.423432, "ifopt": "de:8212:401" } } ], "meta": { "station": { "id": 8937, "name": "Karl-Wilhelm-Platz, Karlsruhe", "latitude": 49.011256, "longitude": 8.422937, "ibnr": 721387, "rilIdentifier": null }, "times": { "now": "2024-07-24T05:00:00.000000Z", "prev": "2024-07-24T04:45:00.000000Z", "next": "2024-07-24T05:15:00.000000Z" } } } ```
MrKrisKrisu commented 4 months ago

There was a time offset for this station. @HerrLevin do you have more information how this happen? You've programmed the timezone things. :D

I've removed the offset, now the departures are loading again.


HerrLevin commented 4 months ago

You've programmed the timezone things. :D

I... uhm... apparently I didn't do a great job 😂

I really don't know how THAT happened

ChillLP commented 3 months ago



I think there are a few Stations with a similar Problem...

fzakfeld commented 3 months ago

Some details:

e.g. 14:52 (GMT+1) service from Aberdeen (saved as GMT+2 in HAFAS)

HAFAS knows this journey:

But it doesn't work in Traewelling:

marhei commented 2 months ago

The same goes for Košice, which has an -8 hours time zone offset, even though it's in the same as Germany.

Capture d’écran 2024-08-31 à 19 56 38
girlpunk commented 2 months ago

I believe a similar thing is happening with London St Pancras. Searching for trains departing at 11:00 shows results for around 21:00