Traffic-Alpha / LLM-Assisted-Light

This repository contains the code for the paper "LLM-Assisted Light: Leveraging Large Language Model Capabilities for Human-Mimetic Traffic Signal Control in Complex Urban Environments".
Apache License 2.0
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problem when running 'python' #3

Closed xiulilee closed 2 months ago

xiulilee commented 2 months ago

So there is no file named '' in TSCRL, Do you know if there are any problems with this? Thanks.

wmn7 commented 2 months ago


Apologies for the confusion in the, the RL code is indeed located at, not as previously mentioned. I will update the accordingly.

Please note that this code is based on the TransSimHub framework, which you should install correctly (the framework is currently in rapid development, and you are welcome to join our discussion group for timely feedback on any issues).

Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention.

xiulilee commented 2 months ago

Thank you very much for your reply, I have installed TransSimHub according to the official documentation. Do you mean to run the file I ran the file but it reported an error at line 32: TypeError: set_logger() got an unexpected keyword argument 'log_level' Do you have any clue about this issue? Hope to hear from you soon, thanks a lot.

wmn7 commented 2 months ago


Regarding the set_logger function, the supported parameters are now file_log_level and terminal_log_level, instead of log_level. This change allows for separate log level settings for file and terminal outputs.

This update was part of the recent changes in TransSimHub, which you can view here:

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the lack of timely documentation updates. Our main focus has been on the development of TransSimHub, which may result in slower updates elsewhere.

Best regards,

xiulilee commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your reply, I have just noticed the file_log and terminal_log in the code as well, thanks for your reply and all the best in hospitalizing your work in progress.

wmn7 commented 2 months ago

If there are no additional concerns, I'll proceed to close this issue.

Feel free to execute the code. Despite the slower execution speed, you should find the performance quite satisfactory, as we've invested significant effort in fine-tuning the prompts.