TrafficPLANit / PLANitOSM

Open Street Map parser to construct PLANit Network memory model
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breaking links based on location should be extended to consider layers, currently this is ignored and causes all links in location to be broken #40

Open MarkRaadsen opened 1 year ago

MarkRaadsen commented 1 year ago

breaking links based on location should be extended to consider layers, currently this is ignored and causes all links in location to be brokenregardless if the location at hand is at a certain layer, i.e., a train line on layer 1 that is broken at a location, should only break at layer 1 and not alos break the line sitting below or above it in the came location. Currently this is the case and it is wrong

see registerOsmNodeAsInternalToPlanitLink in as a starting point. Use Melbourne integration test as a reference to see examples.

Solution: track internal nodes of links by layer and create custom class to tidy this up.

MarkRaadsen commented 1 year ago

Partly addressed. Layer information is now parsed and stored on transfer zones and link, but to address this properly we should not store node locations by only the lon/lat clocation but include the layer index. This remains to be done, so leaving this open for now