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An open course, "Supervised Fieldwork Learning Management System (LMS)," for managing the fieldwork supervision via 2-week curriculum. Free & open source software. Creative Commons-BY-SA-NC content.
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Group Meetings Agenda Redesign for LMS #59

Closed doctortheisen closed 6 years ago

doctortheisen commented 6 years ago

The group meetings agendas UX is a flat copy/paste job from the paperback Vol. 2 books, in release 1.3. Improve UX by using a better Activity type (currently Assignment) to allow interactivity and individual submission.

First choice: Find best type for both interaction and submitting a form. If these two cannot be found in the same type, use the best interaction type and add a separate assignment for submitting the signed form.

Second choice: Use best interaction type and best form submission type.

Raises question: Should there be a specific type for submitting supervision form?

doctortheisen commented 6 years ago

After working out the model for first choice, it looked like that does not exist as a type. The type for second choice by OP exists as wiki type. I made a model of this type. Functional, but not impressive at all. The content is long, needs to be tucked away for a person running a meeting to actually use. This gives the following options to the course designer: a. remove content to make it shorter (obvious drawbacks) b. Provide a powerpoint type packet to supplement this material (obvious drawbacks) c. Use a different type, such as lesson type, that is modular, can be changed, and conducive to quick jumps between content via index of links on sidebar. Wiki type is straight HTML. This material is too long for wiki type in Moodle at current version.

First version of wiki type:

Skip to main content Print Group Supervision Meeting Agenda Topic

This is a meeting agenda for group supervision. The topic is:

Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

Task List The items listed below are included in Segment 1.

B-01: Use the dimensions of applied behavior analysis (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968) to evaluate whether interventions are behavior analytic in nature.
FK-08: Distinguish between radical and methodological behaviorism.
FK-09: Distinguish among the conceptual analysis of behavior, experimental analysis of behavior, applied behavior analysis, and behavioral service delivery.
FK-07: Environmental (as opposed to mentalistic) explanations of behavior).
FK-10: Behavior, response, response class.
FK-11: Environment, stimulus, stimulus class.
K-33: Functional relations.


Supervisor performs tasks below at the meeting. Add/remove links for additional resources if desired. You can link to other content in this course (e.g., from Segment lessons or videos).

Take attendance for the meeting.
State the duration of today’s meeting.
Distribute BACB® experience forms to supervisees.
Provide an overview of how supervision works.
Provide an overview of materials needed for supervision.

Assign Practice Homework

Supervisors select from below:

Homework assignment #1 is to “Complete “bio” questions on and email answers to supervisor
Homework assignment # 2 is to complete the “self-assessment on personal 4th edition task list” via and submit this document to supervisor
Explain presentation requirement. Have supervisees sign up on presentation calendar.
Give them presentation topic list
Model positive feedback using anecdote
Model corrective feedback using anecdote
Identify potential teaching moments within the context of presentations and provide appropriate feedback as needed.


Read assessment procedure at start of Assessment chapter Task List Lesson

Discuss task list item B-01: Use the dimensions of applied behavior analysis (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968) to evaluate whether interventions are behavior analytic in nature.
Discuss task list item FK-08: Distinguish between radical and methodological behaviorism.
Discuss task list item K-09: Distinguish among the conceptual analysis of behavior, experimental analysis of behavior, applied behavior analysis, and behavioral service delivery.
Discuss task list item FK-07: Environmental (as opposed to mentalistic) explanations of behavior).
Discuss task list item FK-33: Functional relations.
Discuss task list item FK-10: Behavior, response, response class.
Discuss task list item FK-11: Environment, stimulus, stimulus class.

Homework Review

Discuss homework policies and expectations for completion of assignments.


Answer any questions related to the homework or topics discussed.

Closing Notes

Close the meeting by inviting supervisees to request topics to be covered in upcoming meetings.

doctortheisen commented 6 years ago

If the content remains in the Wiki type, I can link to existing content. If the final choice is a Group Meeting Agenda from a separate lesson type, the model for developing such material is to plan a liturg. agenda that includes scripted content, video embeds as discussion prompts, etc. The content would be a representative selection of the materials from the segment that week.


  1. Opening
  2. Task List
  3. Housekeeping items
  4. SKIP "Assign practice homework" because lessons already established.

As this proceeds, the selected content would come from lessons and provide too granular an approach.

I am concerned that folks will use PowerPoint presentations for these meetings, which would be absurd because it is such a wretched presentation format and would be unnecessary for learners who have the book content on phone/laptop/paperback.

It is also true that a supervisor may have a specialty for select items, including their own go-to materials.

Lastly, it's not possible to effectively craft a 90 minute meeting out of these other materials before they are finalized. All things considered, there is no sense in making a structured lesson at this point (or PPT slideshow documents). The version 1 releases will need to make use of the Wiki. Text will be removed to accommodate a more nimble UI. The instructor can run through lessons in the room if desired, including videos as a conversation starter from the other lesson pages.

Down the road, course creator is planning a BST resource for each segment (playbook/handbook/cookbook style).

doctortheisen commented 6 years ago

To finalize, use the wiki type for version 1 Supervised Fieldwork LMS. Cut unnecessary sections. Link when it makes to do so (such as Lessons) Discourage slideshows (do the world a favor) if possible in the design process going forward.

doctortheisen commented 6 years ago

Skip to main content Print Group Supervision Meeting Agenda Topic

This is a meeting agenda for group supervision. The topic is:

Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis Housekeeping

Take attendance for the meeting.
State the duration of today’s meeting.
Distribute BACB® experience forms to supervisees.
Provide an overview of how supervision works.
Provide an overview of materials needed for supervision.

In-meeting Practice

Supervisors modify as needed or use below:

Each learner will complete online Lesson in segment. (Link to video: "How lessons work")
Supervisor will use content Complete Individual Meeting with supervisor (Link to video: "How Individual Meetings Work")
Presentation requirement (Link to video: "How presentations work")
Role Play: Model corrective feedback using anecdote (Link to video: "Hi here's feedback")


Describe Assessment procedure using Competencies (Link to video: How Competencies work") Task List Lessons

Discuss task list item B-01: Use the dimensions of applied behavior analysis (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968) to evaluate whether interventions are behavior analytic in nature.
Discuss task list item FK-08: Distinguish between radical and methodological behaviorism.
Discuss task list item K-09: Distinguish among the conceptual analysis of behavior, experimental analysis of behavior, applied behavior analysis, and behavioral service delivery.
Discuss task list item FK-07: Environmental (as opposed to mentalistic) explanations of behavior).
Discuss task list item FK-33: Functional relations.
Discuss task list item FK-10: Behavior, response, response class.
Discuss task list item FK-11: Environment, stimulus, stimulus class.


Answer any questions related to the homework or topics discussed.


What to expect next.

doctortheisen commented 6 years ago

The design has evolved to a minute by minute meeting agenda through group facilitation.