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An open course, "Supervised Fieldwork Learning Management System (LMS)," for managing the fieldwork supervision via 2-week curriculum. Free & open source software. Creative Commons-BY-SA-NC content.
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Rationale for "Supervisor's Selection" items in Supervised Fieldwork LMS #60

Closed doctortheisen closed 6 years ago

doctortheisen commented 6 years ago

The Supervised Fieldwork LMS has Group Meeting Agendas for each segment. Each Group Meeting Agenda contains a section called "Supervisor's Selection".

Rationale for naming convention

The book makes reference to a Presentation calendar meant for students/learners. This section would have been named "Presentation" if that was not already taken. Instead, it was named with "Supervisor's..." to communicate that it is not a presentation from learners. It was named with "...Selection" instead of "Discussion" to communicate that supervisors are the ones who chose/approved this material. The implication is that students/learners did not prepare it. The supervisor should share the selected materials at the front of the room (or table, or leading the webinar, or whatever it is). These are materials the supervisor selected specifically for the learners to view in this meeting. Note that I said "selected" and not "created" or "prepared" because supervisors generally do not have time to craft materials and will typically look through TrainABA content in the online Lessons for a segment to see what content (writing, question/answers submitted from learners, or videos) they can repurpose for the group meeting "Supervisor's Selection" for that meeting.

PowerPoint is, in the course designer's opinion, not appropriate for training in ABA. For something where knowledge is the performance measure (e.g., listen to bloodborne pathogens training and answer multiple choice questions), PowerPoint may be okay. It's not appropriate for group meetings with a performance measure as a deliverable, according to the course designer. As a result, it is more likely that course designer will provide videos than slideshows.

The supervisor has to talk and click a button to "Present" PowerPoint, but these "Selections" may involve showing videos and running BST procedures or discussing/acting out responses to the video content.

Rationale for bullet point items in "Supervisor's Selection"

The course designer (B.T.) created three types of bullet items. Only material that is one of the three types can be included.

Type 1 is material required or requested by credentialing authorities, to be used in some general way (e.g., provide corrective feedback at the outset of supervision). Some of this content comes from what the course designer learned while presenting the 8 Hour Supervisor Training course.

Type 2 is material needed to account for all the task list items throughout the course of 25 segments.

Type 3 is material that relates to assessment (e.g., performance measures for a set of task list items, Behavioral Skills Training procedures).

Very Stupid Closing Thought The main reason the course designer chose "selection" in noun form was to avoid the unwanted side effect of a verb. "Supervisor Selects" sounds like a brand of cat food.