TrainingByPackt / SQL-for-Data-Analytics

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Issue with the provided solution: Lesson04, Exercise 15 #11

Open DataKimble opened 1 year ago

DataKimble commented 1 year ago

The question requests the customer count for states that have at least 1,000 customers who have purchased from ZoomZoom.

The solution provided ([] :

SELECT state, COUNT(*) FROM customers GROUP BY state HAVING COUNT(*)>=1000 ORDER BY state;

This returns the count of customer records, by state, having a customer record count >=1,000. This does not consider whether a customer has purchased or not.

Should the solution not be:

select c.state, count(distinct c.customer_id) from customers c inner join sales s on c.customer_id =s.customer_id group by c.state having count(distinct c.customer_id)>=1000 order by c.state;

To ensure we are only counting, at State level, distinct customers that have purchased a product.