TrampolineTales / g4c-contest

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Explain how this would encourage people to save money through your design #4

Open Umbrellagun opened 8 years ago

Umbrellagun commented 8 years ago

(500 words or less)

Umbrellagun commented 8 years ago

What I have so far (279 words):

Money Monsters encourages active engagement in managing money through helping the user to map out bills, investments, savings, and overall accrued money by creating visual representations for each that the user and users avatar may interact with, such as monsters (for bills) or gold coins and other items (for investments, savings, accrued money).

The monsters will have health parallel to the amount of money owed for the bill. When the user pays an amount toward the bill/monster, the avatar will interact with the monster by attacking it with a weapon, which will lower the amount of health the monster has accordingly.

By showing bills as monsters it will encourage users to defeat the monsters rather than ignore them. The monsters can also help show an overall financial status that the user has (based on percentages) by becoming larger or smaller in size depending on the amount owed, or by becoming more volatile or subdued. The same principle goes for investments, but instead the gold grows or diminishes depending on how much the monsters are eating.

Achievements will help encourage players to keep up with good money management as well (based on percentages related to the users previous standings) Another example may be the number of times the user successfully pays off a bill without late fees.

Other rewards for good money management by keeping bills down and money up include gaining special items or rewards for holding over a certain percentage of the users total money in investments or savings over a certain period of time.

The user may also set up multiple budgets or pre-defined amounts to put toward bills/monsters, (represented as special moves when executed).