TranSiTien / solana-bootcamp-autumn-2024

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Submission for assignment 2 #2

Open TranSiTien opened 2 months ago

TranSiTien commented 2 months ago

First, I have fulfilled the requirements of mint token outlined in the Week-2 Assignment by performing the following tasks:

  1. Prepare Token metadata
  2. Use payer account from Asignment_1 create a mint account, initialize it as a using the createInitializeMint2Instruction, with the payer account as the mint authority and create metadata for the token
  3. creates an Associated Token Account (ATA) for the payer to hold the tokens. It then mints 100 tokens to this account.
  4. imilarly, it creates an ATA for the target wallet (specified by the TARGET_WALLET_ADDRESS environment variable provided in assignment requirement) and mints 10 tokens to this account.
  5. All the instructions, including mint creation, token minting, and ATA creation, are compiled into a single transaction. You can view the example transaction details here: Explorer URL.

Second, I have fulfilled the requirements of create NFT outlined in the Week-2 Assignment by performing the following tasks:

  1. Prepare NFT Configuration such as name, description, symbol, image url and sellerFeeBasisPoints as 1000 (10%)
  2. A new mint account is generated for the NFT using a Solana keypair.
  3. The code uses the Metaplex SDK to upload the NFT metadata, including the specified traits and royalty fee.
  4. Once the metadata is uploaded, the NFT is minted, and the mint account is associated with the metadata on-chain. You can view the example transaction details here: Explorer URL.

Here is my source code assignment: Assignment-2

TranSiTien commented 2 months ago

I fixed bug that NFT cannot display its image