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parcel-plugin-transcrypt broken #821

Closed eruvanos closed 2 years ago

eruvanos commented 2 years ago

Using the code from the client build exits with the following error:

Error: Cannot find module 'parcel-bundler/src/Logger'

The easy fix is to replace line 2 in the plugins asset.js with: const logger = require('@parcel/Logger');

The plugin links to this page, not sure where else I could create an issue for this.

JennaSys commented 2 years ago

The parcel-plugin-transcrypt library has been broken for some time. I posted a how-to a while back that discusses a fix that changes line 2 from:

const logger = require('parcel-bundler/src/Logger');


const logger = require('@parcel/logger/src/Logger');

That said, being that Parcel v2 is out and v1 has been deprecated, I don't see the v1 plugin ever being fixed at this point. The good news is that there is a new Parcel plugin available for Transcrypt that works with Parcel v2. I also did a writeup on migrating from Parcel v1 to Parcel v2 using the new plugin. The new plugin works pretty much the same way as the old one, but there a few extra details to pay attention to.

Disclosure: I'm the person that wrote the book that the code in the repo you are using came from. I also created the new Parcel plugin :-)

eruvanos commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the explanation will follow those instructions to update to be.

PS. Great book, just read it.

JennaSys commented 2 years ago

I actually already have a branch on that project that uses Parcel v2 if you want to check that out as well:

There is a MD file in that branch that lists the specific changes required for that project.