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cluster library settings with less clustering on city-area-level #11

Open josefkreitmayer opened 8 years ago

josefkreitmayer commented 8 years ago

On city-level there are sometimes 2 initiatives in the same place, and the clustering library makes it required to zoom down (feels like death by zoom) until the biggest zoom scale, to click the "2" cluster and see the individual items.

Could that be de-sensitized?

Eg. Berlin:

Also in Zaragoza, there is a lot of clustering:

I wonder, can it be implemented or turned on, that a click on the cluster provides an overview on the POIs it clusters?

species commented 8 years ago

Have you ever tried to click on a cluster? It does zoom in automatically until the cluster can be split up...

josefkreitmayer commented 8 years ago

We should probably leave that and the POI design for later.

I know, that clicking on the cluster is basically a zoom. Just sometimes it requires quite a many of zoom steps, and still it does not show both initiatives (as in the berlin example). We might have more similar examples at a later point, when we have more points. Maybe other maps have the same difficulty and just do not care.

I just noticed, that google maps does not cluster at all e.g. and they have smaller POI markers.

In our POI markers, the click-ability stars with the glowy area around. In g-maps, it is invisibly around about 2 mm round the POI-marker, which is smaller.

Looking at I see the same happening.

It would be great, to dis-able clustering on the levels 14 - 17, if they are not directly at the same spot. Is that technically easily implementable to see, what it does?

species commented 8 years ago

For the Berlin (and some Zaragoza )example, these points have the exact same coordinates set in the database - and the only thing the clustering lib can do is to "spiderfy" them in the last zoomlevel.

Please attach a link of the Google Maps example you mentioned.

josefkreitmayer commented 8 years ago

The "spiderification" is acutally really cool. I just saw that in the Zaragoza example.

I added a further statement in my prior comment, could you see that?

It would be great, to dis-able clustering on the levels 14 - 17, if they are not directly at the same spot. Is that technically easily implementable to see, what it does?

here the google maps link:,16.3165033,12z

Just to make sure, I think clustering is